The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2014-12-15 18:11:24
Ohhh sorry! Though you asked about both rancor items. Nef. And rancor back stack yes. You could use that if you wish. I am getting soil neck/windbuffet +1/rancor back ahead by a bit. 5778 to 5732.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2014-12-15 18:14:45
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »For Blade: Hi I assume.
They don't stack. So using a combo of like rancor collar/Atheling/soil belt or Soil gorget/rancor back/windbuffet(+1) would be ideal. There are a few different combos that you can move around for those three slots.
Um.... Rancorous Mantle + Nef Collar ?
They do I believe.
the ones that don't is Rancourous Mantle + Rancor Collar = no stack.
OR am i wrong on that Master Gippali ?
That is correct. The Rancor items do not stack, but Mantle and Nef Collar +1 will.
Now my question is: Is it worth for ilvl mobs ?
Thinking of MNK BLU PLD NIN ETC......... Putting Mantle + Nef Neck (which gives 8% CRIT hit Rate) OR would you rather do (Collar(5%) + STR ATK ACC DA Mantle)
Thinking 8% would be nice but on other hand, ACC ATK DA STR+ be doing more DMG , no ?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-16 02:50:01
Kuro you can test it yourself in the spreadsheet! :P
I think it depends which "other mantle" you mean. I don't think Atheling or any other options come close to Rancorous mantle, aside specific situations (like needing accuracy etc).
One exception might be Yokaze with a high WSD augment, that wasn't out when I did my tests so I can't tell.
But for Blade: Hi in the majority of situations between the two rancor options the mantle was always the best one to pick.
For the neck other nice options are Hope Torque and Ele Gorget, or at least they were. Blade: Hi received TWO major updates since when I last tested things around so in all honesty I'm not that sure anymore on what's best to use.
By gdiShun 2014-12-16 05:20:52
I'm also surprised by how good Metsu is doing o.O didn't expect it to be so close to Hi and Shun.
Yeah, I'm often just making an arbitrary choice between the three depending on my mood :P Even though the aftermath is dumb, I've often found myself saying why not Metsu for the aftermath if they're all so close (particularly solo).
The great thing is that since Shun, Metsu and Hi seem to do around the same damage and all are different skillchain elements, you can swap them as you need to for SCs, etc..
Back to Shun because I'm obsessing lol.
I realized that in order to get the numbers I was getting, it needed not only to no longer have the Attack penalty, but a significant Attack bonus. Like Kamu-level of Attack bonus. If you checked the spreadsheet, you may have saw I had Indi-Fury on for the initial tests. And since the spreadsheet was predicting Ku and Shun to do around the same damage(3175 and 3207 respectively), if Shun does have a significant Attack bonus, without Indi-Fury, it should be, not necessarily equal, but closer to the damage Ku was doing with Indi-Fury.
So I went back to Dho Gates, with my alt on WHM this time. So here's a refresher with what Ku did before with Indi-Fury and then what Shun did without:
Code Indi-Fury + Ku
Average vs Tarichuks: 3139, 168s (3175 / 2603~3144~3778 expected)
Average vs Tarichuks: 2922, 169s
2425 / 2029~2426~2820 expected assuming no Attack bonus or penalty.
2919 / 2422~2909~3427 expected assuming a 25% Attack bonus.
3186 / 2642~3176~3740 expected assuming a 37% Attack bonus(approximately the Attack Shun was believed to have with the initial tests[~45% with Fury + -8% from the penalty])
So, unfortunately all I can say for sure from this is it has a significant Attack bonus. Me using Moonshade kind of *** this up. lol. It looks like a 25% Attack bonus, but it could be a ~20% bonus that doubles to a ~40% bonus at 200% TP, which would effectively become a ~25% bonus with Moonshade. The mobs stats being very approximated doesn't help either. >_>
So I changed my GS so that it uses Steelflash/Bladeborn instead of Brutal/Moonshade, and went back to Dho Gates to kill more Tarichuks~ wee~
Code Shun at 100%
2377, 100s
2288 / 1915~2290~2661 expected assuming -8% Attack.
2425 / 2029~2426~2820 expected assuming no Attack bonus or penalty.
Plot twist! It looks like it doesn't actually get an Attack bonus at 100%, and possibly even still has it's penalty. But what that indicates to me is that it most likely gets an enormous Attack bonus at 200% and so the TP Bonus+250 on Moonshade is what's giving it that ~25% Attack boost.
Code Shun at 200%
4124, 100s
4066 / 3378~4056~4766 expected assuming 75% Attack bonus
4212 / 3500~4202~4934 expected assuming 81.25% Attack bonus
So it's looking like it's somewhere around a 75-80% Attack bonus. Which would put it at around a 18.75-20% Attack boost at 100% with Moonshade.
Code Shun at 300%
4606, 100s
4562 / 3948~4611~5128 expected at 105% Attack bonus
It's at a weird % because this is the point Attack is capped. lol. Could possibly go much higher. I'd assume up to maybe 150%. Need to find something else with higher Defense to test it on. :\
So now to go back to my previous results and check this with them. I also went back and found the exact defense and evasion for the mobs and replaced the approximate defense and evasion in the spreadsheet with them. VIT/AGI/INT still being a shot in the dark. >_>
Code Indi-Fury + Shun
Average vs Tarichuks: 3916, 156s (3207 / 2633~3173~3816 previously expected)
3820 / 3067~3882~4513 expected with a -8/75(effectively 67)/~150 Attack bonus.
3913 / 3141~3976~4622 expected from -6.25/81.25(effectively 75)/~150 Attack bonus.
4003 / 3218~4067~4724 expected with the 0/75/~150 Attack bonus.
Average vs Tarichuks: 2922, 169s
2741 / 2212~2783~3229 expected with a -8/75(effectively 67)/~150 Attack bonus.
2825 / 2271~2867~3338 expected from -6.25/81.25(effectively 75)/~150
2907 / 2337~2954~3431 expected with a 0/75/~150
Shun at 100% w/ Bladeborn/Steelflash
2377, 100s
2453 / 2004~2511~2844 expected from -8/67/~150
2500 / 2036~2555~2909 expected from -6.25/75/~150
2603 / 2118~2664~3028 expected from 0/75/~150
Shun at 200% w/ Bladeborn/Steelflash
4124, 100s
4109 / 3349~4203~4776 expected from -8/67/~150
4280 / 3491~4379~4971 expected from -6.25/75/~150
4297 / 3504~4395~4992 expected from 0/75/~150
Shun at 300%
4606, 100s
4595 / 3930~4725~5130 expected from all 3(Attack capped)
Unsurprisingly, my inexact methods won't give us an exact result here. I'm putting -8/75/75(-8/67/142) in my spreadsheet. It's probably not the correct numbers. But it's definitely a lot more accurate than the -8/5/5 that was in the spreadsheet before.
TL;DR Shun possibly didn't even have it's Attack penalty/bonuses even changed this update. But Shun definitely does have very significant Attack bonuses at 200/300% TP, to the point that as long as you have Moonshade on, you probably have about a ~15-20% Attack bonus at 100%.
EDIT: Spoiler tag not opening for anyone else? >_>; I don't want to un-spoiler tag it because of how ridiculously long it is. If you care enough can quote and Preview if it's not working for you too. <_<; It works then.
Also forgot to include spreadsheet link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pr3q6hp7wywhwx3/NIN-Spreadsheet.xlsx?dl=0
Same link but updated and re-uploaded. Also added Gifts. It was previously assuming you had them unlocked because it was just going to be for personal use.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-16 07:58:24
So the penalty might still be there, but the threshold at which penalty becomes a bonus comes sooner than before and with bigger amounts.
I guess this also means:
1) Shun is going to suck on targets where you're attack capped. Well not suck, but other WSs will be better.
2) Shun is going to get diminishing returns if you have a pletora of att buffs (but still uncapped) and the multiplier sends you way above the cap, i.e. wasting part of what it could have given to you
3) On targets where you need a lot of att and are unlikely to ever cap att, Shun could be quite nice if used at, say, above 1100 TP
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,346
By Bismarck.Kuroganashi 2014-12-16 08:28:45
Kuro you can test it yourself in the spreadsheet! :P
I think it depends which "other mantle" you mean. I don't think Atheling or any other options come close to Rancorous mantle, aside specific situations (like needing accuracy etc).
One exception might be Yokaze with a high WSD augment, that wasn't out when I did my tests so I can't tell.
But for Blade: Hi in the majority of situations between the two rancor options the mantle was always the best one to pick.
For the neck other nice options are Hope Torque and Ele Gorget, or at least they were. Blade: Hi received TWO major updates since when I last tested things around so in all honesty I'm not that sure anymore on what's best to use.
Atheling is for noobs bro, I use Letalis Mantle for TP-ing only XD
but ya, I also don't got an idea how to use Spreadsheets ^^;
That is why I posted here ><
Otherwise I would do it myself .
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-16 08:43:17
No reason to use Letalis when you don't need the acc, imho.
And if I need the acc then I'd rather use Yokaze instead of Letalis, but that's just me I guess.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-12-16 08:58:12
Bismarck.Kuroganashi said: »Kuro you can test it yourself in the spreadsheet! :P
I think it depends which "other mantle" you mean. I don't think Atheling or any other options come close to Rancorous mantle, aside specific situations (like needing accuracy etc).
One exception might be Yokaze with a high WSD augment, that wasn't out when I did my tests so I can't tell.
But for Blade: Hi in the majority of situations between the two rancor options the mantle was always the best one to pick.
For the neck other nice options are Hope Torque and Ele Gorget, or at least they were. Blade: Hi received TWO major updates since when I last tested things around so in all honesty I'm not that sure anymore on what's best to use.
Atheling is for noobs bro, I use Letalis Mantle for TP-ing only XD
but ya, I also don't got an idea how to use Spreadsheets ^^;
That is why I posted here ><
Otherwise I would do it myself .
Nef + rancorous doesn't spreadsheet as high as other options. Like Sechs mentioned, the current best options are Hope or Gorget + Rancorous Mantle. This is what I've been using for low lvl stuff. Bird hat has AGI+8, Otronif +2 crit. Kabnaax with AGI aug will do more dmg, but not by a lot.
ItemSet 317702
I've got STR+5 DEX+5 SC-DMG+4% WSD+1% Yokaze Mantle, and it pulls ahead for Hi against high level targets. (with Rancor Collar)
In general, I really hate it when the main-hand crit swing whiffs, and you get the super low damage off-hand hit. It's not as much of an issue with 99% main-hand acc thankfully, but I still like to stack some acc for Hi. i.e. Wukongs+1, Ptica or Gav helm during the right days, etc.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-12-16 11:39:14
Anyone else have 30~50 stacks of 99 Hachiya Shuriken in dbox or is it just me? lol
Works extremely well keeping stocked being it's a RoE shuriken.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Valefor.Sapphire 2014-12-16 12:13:17
Anyone else have 30~50 stacks of 99 Hachiya Shuriken in dbox or is it just me? lol
Works extremely well keeping stocked being it's a RoE shuriken. Ominous cloud (the grumpy galka ninjatool bundler) can pouch those up for you by trading him 99+winjruit.
The pouches are same account mailable to yourself like the shurikens are, so you should instead have your dbox filled with pouchesx12 of shurikens.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-18 04:52:59
Question for Gearswap users.
How did you handle the security failchecks for swapping your main Shuriken into a consumable shuriken during the activation and permanence of the Sange buff?
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,420
By Quetzalcoatl.Valli 2014-12-18 05:08:47
Question for Gearswap users.
How did you handle the security failchecks for swapping your main Shuriken into a consumable shuriken during the activation and permanence of the Sange buff?
By not meritting Sange. /badumtss.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2014-12-18 07:24:01
By using a variable shuriken that's updated on usage of and wearing off of Sange.
Also, swap shurikens for precast of sange. It'll save you a headache or twelve.
Pretty similar setup to a few other jobs setups.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,713
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-12-18 07:30:33
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »By using a variable shuriken that's updated on usage of and wearing off of Sange.
Also, swap shurikens for precast of sange. It'll save you a headache or twelve.
Pretty similar setup to a few other jobs setups.
I think he is refer to a security check to prevent Sange from activating if he is out of the consumable shurikens. Even if he sets it to change to the consumable in precast, if he ever runs out, it cannot swap to them, and will burn his better ones with Sange up.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-12-18 09:08:45
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »By using a variable shuriken that's updated on usage of and wearing off of Sange.
Also, swap shurikens for precast of sange. It'll save you a headache or twelve.
Pretty similar setup to a few other jobs setups.
I think he is refer to a security check to prevent Sange from activating if he is out of the consumable shurikens. Even if he sets it to change to the consumable in precast, if he ever runs out, it cannot swap to them, and will burn his better ones with Sange up. I have 99 Togakushi Shuriken from Titan. 1 equipped in inventory and 98 in dbox. Regardless even if you kept them all in inventory you won't consume even half of them by mistake. I just don't feel like bothering with Titan ever again.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-18 09:10:24
Not necessarily prevent Sange from activating, but something to make sure the good shuriken gets unequipped first.
For instance let's say Happo+1 is your good one and Hachiya the consumable one.
If you only have a simple syntax that swaps Happo+1 > for Hachiya on Sange precast, it's gonna be troublesome if you happen to have ran out of Hachiya Shurikens and you didn't notice.
Sange would still activate, Gearswap would ATTEMPT to equip Hachiya, but fail to do so, which mean our precious Happo+1 would get wasted on the next attack round.
There's a handy way to check your inventory, like player.inventory['Hachiya Shuriken'], but from my experience this doesn't work 100% of the times. Well it normally does, but it doesn't have total reliability.
So I was kinda thinking about something else.
Instead of putting the real shuriken name inside the sets, I will use a dynamic variable, so my sets will look like this {..., ammo=sets.TP.ammo, ...}.
Then by default I assign the shuriken value like this Code sets.TP.ammo = {name="Happo Shuriken +1"}
Then I would define the sange precast set as follows: Code sets.precast.Sange = {body="Mochizuki Chainmail +1", ammo=empty}
Then at the end of my precast I'd put something like this Code if spell.english == Sange and not spell.interrupted then
sets.TP.ammo.name = "Hachiya Shuriken"
Then in the buff_change function I'd put a check for Sange wearing off, and swapping the value back to Happo+1 again.
Sounds safe enough to me, but wanted to see if I missed something or if there's anything to add to make it even better.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-12-18 09:47:47
Not necessarily prevent Sange from activating, but something to make sure the good shuriken gets unequipped first.
For instance let's say Happo+1 is your good one and Hachiya the consumable one.
If you only have a simple syntax that swaps Happo+1 > for Hachiya on Sange precast, it's gonna be troublesome if you happen to have ran out of Hachiya Shurikens and you didn't notice.
Sange would still activate, Gearswap would ATTEMPT to equip Hachiya, but fail to do so, which mean our precious Happo+1 would get wasted on the next attack round.
There's a handy way to check your inventory, like player.inventory['Hachiya Shuriken'], but from my experience this doesn't work 100% of the times. Well it normally does, but it doesn't have total reliability.
So I was kinda thinking about something else.
Instead of putting the real shuriken name inside the sets, I will use a dynamic variable, so my sets will look like this {..., ammo=sets.TP.ammo, ...}.
Then by default I assign the shuriken value like this Code sets.TP.ammo = {name="Happo Shuriken +1"}
Then I would define the sange precast set as follows: Code sets.precast.Sange = {body="Mochizuki Chainmail +1", ammo=empty}
Then at the end of my precast I'd put something like this Code if spell.english == Sange and not spell.interrupted then
sets.TP.ammo.name = "Hachiya Shuriken"
Then in the buff_change function I'd put a check for Sange wearing off, and swapping the value back to Happo+1 again.
Sounds safe enough to me, but wanted to see if I missed something or if there's anything to add to make it even better.
Coming from somebody who tossed about 5 Happo's back when they were 500k each... I finally got my $hit together. (I blame incursion's lag, and Langly)
I have the following in my job_post_precast() Code
if spell.name == 'Sange' and player.equipment.ammo == 'Happo Shuriken' then
state.Buff.Sange = false -- this is a bit over zealous, but fk it
eventArgs.cancel = true
I set_combine the proper ammo in customize_melee_sets(), depending on state.Buff.Sange being true.
With that said, I go one step further and put /equip ammo "Hachiya Shuriken" on the first line of my Sange macro. If you wanted to be really paranoid, you could put an empty /equip ammo in your sange Macro. I used to do that BS back when I was worried about shooting off my GMB or PPA on RNG.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2014-12-18 11:44:04
So.... Figured I may change the subject a bit. Anything better in the 1 hander damage department since update?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-18 15:21:42
Thanks for the input Orestes
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 748
By Cerberus.Maeldiar 2014-12-26 13:52:04
so i made a tancho+1 and got another tancho to offhand, is this viable? I'm guessing for very high acc situations its nice.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2014-12-26 14:08:54
Grats! I really enjoy mine!
Tancho+1/nq Tancho combo is only a point or two behind Tancho+1/Raim on fodder, which I assume comes from nq tanchos 232 delay. It's a good combo in acc sets though. Double tanchos (+1/nq) will pull ahead by about 20-25dps when acc is an issue.
Edit: rechecked it with acc sets as well.
Edit: I was wondering if there is any changes I can make to my Mag acc set. Weatherspoon ring is the only one I can think of.
ItemSet 319988
By Chyula 2014-12-26 17:19:20
dual wield tancho for the interrupt rate, acc is the added bonus. plus wukong thats already 75% rate on top of added high acc together. pretty crazy.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2014-12-30 07:01:26
Have you guys really mathed Tacho and Tacho +1 or are going just by hunch defining it better DPS than Raimitsukane?
Has Izuna ever been thoroughfully mathed? Which augments does it need to be better than Raimitsukane? Can it become better than NQ Tacho too?
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2014-12-30 08:54:51
Kuro Sechs you can test it yourself in the spreadsheet! :P
Also, the only time I have mathed out Izuna was for a friend that had one with ACC+12/FC+3. I'm not big into random shitty augments. Could it pull ahead? Probably not. Delay to high, bad Augs, stuff like that. But it looks pretty so have at it.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2014-12-31 11:48:01
Did some more testing with Izuna this morning.
Even if you had acc and att with crit/dbl att/ws dmg it's still a good 50-70dps behind Tancho+1/Tancho or Tancho/Raim combos. It just can't keep up with the lower delay, higher acc, and the dex/agi on tancho/raim.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-12-31 16:46:09
I was wondering if there is any changes I can make to my Mag acc set. Weatherspoon ring is the only one I can think of.
ItemSet 319988This what I use
ItemSet 330767
Edit: Actually I use Psystorm/Lifestorm earring combo instead just for -1 inventory purposes. That WoE earring I can live w/o.
By sabrtooth 2015-01-02 06:52:12
hi guy,
I am looking to build a 102% spell interruption rate for my ninja utsusemi!
or is it better to stick to fast cast build?
What are the gear I can possibly look at?
on my mind:
magnetic earring
druid slope
for 103%!
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 517
By Lakshmi.Lenus 2015-01-02 08:23:08
You can do both, at least for ichi, start off by casting in FC then end with interuption rate. Your ni's should fire off pretty quickly for it to not need interuption rate as long as your timing isn't bad.
I don't use an interuption build though, cause I do my best to time when the mob starts its attack phase. Both my ichi/ni go off at about 40% so I really have no worry of interuptions, maybe if the mob is under hundred fists.
By sabrtooth 2015-01-02 18:50:40
Hi Lenus, thank for your feedback! What is your Fast cast equip?! I realise mine only fire off at 50-60% :(
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,315
By Asura.Sechs 2015-01-02 19:47:46
Don't really check at what % my set fires off (that's dependant on latency and your connection too) but what I use is
Ejekamal Mask (3% FC augment)
Kaabnax Trousers (3% FC augment)
Dread Jupon (7% FC)
Thaumas Gloves (3% FC) ==> Sombre Mittens +1 have 4%, NQ still 3% but at least they got ilevel stats
Voltsurge Torque (4% FC)
Loquacious Earring (2% FC)
Enchanter Earring +1 (2% FC)
Prolix Ring (2% FC)
Weatherspoon Ring (5% FC, 5% Quickspell)
Impatiens (2% quickspell)
Swap body for Mochizuki Chainmail +1 and neck for Magoraga Beads if it's Utsusemi we're talking about.
For Midcast the set is pretty much the same, I have Mujin Mantle for back, AF3+2 boots for feet (Utsusemi), Mochizuki Tekko +1 for Ninja Tool Expertise and... probably some other small difference but overall it's pretty similar.