(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-08 15:57:42
w/ Drain III and DT set = DRK becomes one of the most survivable DDs in the game only really rivaled by RUN or maybe BLU but there will struggle to keep up with DRKs DMG.
I can confirm the hell out of this, I was rdm/whm in omen, ds/nv drain 3 drk was easier to cure than the pld.
I only wish it worked on the Omen Caturae :(
It does, that was what I was talking about, guess I should have specified. We beat kin with a rdm/whm main heal and brd/whm back up, the only issue was AoE attacks where rdm/whm lacks decent AoE cures, I think next time I will /sch so I can AoE a cure 3 or 4.
Luckily for me, Torc is my go to WS and spamming that for light is definitely the way to go ^^ I would never propose reso only play style, especially if torc is doing better. I think it is better to aim for the skillchain anyway. In that case swapping between torc/reso and throwing out the scourge if needed.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-08 16:16:41
Well in Apex if i'm only DD it's Scourge > Reso > Torc for an easy double light. or Cata > CR > Cata (if mages want darkness)
But when it comes down to spamming Res at 100$ vs 175%, it's interesting because Reso spamming should be the way to go for DRK (or as so many people have spammed at me for advice) but i've never got it to beat Torc spamming (even without light going off) so waiting to 175% could change that either way it's worth testing myself.
It's probably has a lot more to do with my gear access tho than my playstyle.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-08 16:41:14
I can get reso to beat my torc, but not by much, at 100% torc is the better way for me, if I hold to 175, I am using reso. Which also seems the better dps route for me, however if I have a blu or someone in the party using light or dark based ws, I will spam torc over reso.
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-08 18:22:50
I only wish it worked on the Omen Caturae :(
it does work. I am always running 3500 (no ds/nv) for floor 1,2,4 and with ds/nv 5500+. On floor 3,5 you can get 300~ w/o ds/nv, so not worth it OR.... you use ds/nv and sit at 5500+ also lol. I do this every Omen as it requires a high lv of defense imo. Also, I tend to tp in my -37DT hybrid + founders body on the caturae, I have found this to be key to not die quickly even with said hp haha.
I can't really explain it maybe the WS delay does take away too much maybe there is something I'm missing or the ftp formula is wrong.
That said, if it seems to work it either works or difference is too small to parse which is interesting just wish there was a way of explaining it.
Luckily for me, Torc is my go to WS and spamming that for light is definitely the way to go ^^
Edit i will have to try 175% spamming and see if it does shift Res into a better WS than Torc for me, worth trying at least.
I can also second going at 175% on reso if thats your spam ws (assume its the ws lockout). I also do this now and it seems to out perform 1k spamming for me also and I parse 24/7. However I will spam at 1k if fights are very fast (30 sec-1min) as you might not get to many off and just the fact you got 2 ws instead of 1 off can be a big deal. I also tendo to not use reso in these situations....
kinda of side a rant...
I also find I dont just get in boring mode and spam reso on drk like a lot of drks. I tend to try and pull in light sc's frequently. I know pure spam zerg fights you cannot sc (some you dont want to) so reso 100% makes sense, but these are few now (woc, kirin, maju?). In said fights you also will probably hit 175 so fast due to the 10 buffs on you that time difference between 100-175 is near nothing.
I am not sure why people are needing more than 3 DD on any nm in this game. Melee schah my ls doesnt use more than 3 DD and id wager thats one of the more challenging, long lasting fights in the game right now. With 3 DD you wont be "unable to SC", on the contrary you should be able to sc nearly every ws depending on other DD's this means using Torc almost exclusively at 100tp which I have found always out performs reso at 100%, add in the nearly matching light sc.... its no contest in my mind.
With that said you can also gear torc IMO way easier to awesome leveles on drk. It requires odys gear with great augs - which said augs are not uncommon, I swear I see 10 vit, 20 acc, 4 wsd with taupe stones very often, probably once every 2k stones or so (which isnt bad and honestly you will get a full set while trying for those 10 str 30 acc 4 wsd odys augs for other ws). If you get a set with augs like that, again easier than HQ argosy for most, then your normally at around 50 acc more on ws too!
My LOW ACC MAX DMG torc set has 1185 acc (1200 with rag AG). Try getting your max Reso set to that acc (requires +1 path D argosy head, telos, acc aug on cape), I know my 4/5 HQ argosy reso set cant easily and if you want more acc your really going to sacrifice HUGE amounts of str. Also my torc set has 38 WSD, and is still missing 11 WSD which wont be hard to get and is only at +226 (no lugra) vit with an easy to get 25 missing. This doesnt include cladbolg either!
realistically I can improve to 49 WSD and +301 ViT (daytime)on torc with clad, I cannot see reso beating that at all (I have a nearly perfect Reso set). Seeing as my Torc set has 11 wsd and 75 Vit to go, its clear to me which at maxed gear is the winner.
for War its clear Reso spam like a mofo, its just crazy strong for war due to massive DA rate, warcry 700 tp bonus, The fact they can 1hr spam 60k's like nothing. On drk, while it is great, its not your only tool and I see for a beginning Drk torc will be best ws (full sulv-ish), then after a full set of argosy (ideally +1) will make reso shine for mid lv drks. However for us endgame drks aiming for perfection I think Torc has a bit more to offer overall... my 2 cents.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-08 18:37:02
With that said you can also gear torc IMO way easier to awesome leveles on drk. It requires odys gear with great augs - which said augs are not uncommon, I swear I see 10 vit, 20 acc, 4 wsd with taupe stones very often, probably once every 2k stones or so (which isnt bad and honestly you will get a full set while trying for those 10 str 30 acc 4 wsd odys augs for other ws). If you get a set with augs like that, again easier than HQ argosy for most, then your normally at around 50 acc more on ws too!
My LOW ACC MAX DMG torc set has 1185 acc (1200 with rag AG). Try getting your max Reso set to that acc (requires +1 path D argosy head, telos, acc aug on cape), I know my 4/5 HQ argosy reso set cant easily and if you want more acc your really going to sacrifice HUGE amounts of str. Also my torc set has 38 WSD, and is still missing 11 WSD which wont be hard to get and is only at +226 (no lugra) vit with an easy to get 25 missing. This doesnt include cladbolg either!
realistically I can improve to 49 WSD and +301 ViT (daytime)on torc with clad, I cannot see reso beating that at all (I have a nearly perfect Reso set). Seeing as my Torc set has 11 wsd and 75 Vit to go, its clear to me which at maxed gear is the winner.
for War its clear Reso spam like a mofo, its just crazy strong for war due to massive DA rate, warcry 700 tp bonus, The fact they can 1hr spam 60k's like nothing. On drk, while it is great, its not your only tool and I see for a beginning Drk torc will be best ws (full sulv-ish), then after a full set of argosy (ideally +1) will make reso shine for mid lv drks. However for us endgame drks aiming for perfection I think Torc has a bit more to offer overall... my 2 cents.
I am going to weigh in, Torc actually has my vote as the better ws. Not only does my torc compete with my reso (near perfect reso set only missing hq body) but I get the sc spams.
Assuming perfect torc set, I full well believe that torc will beat reso, just looking at the ftp of reso puts reso ahead, but looking at the ftp and nearly +50% wsdmg, AND! far easier sc spamming that can close light or dark... Torc wins by a fairly decent margin. That ws dmg without perfect torc sets are putting drks over 40k spams on torc. I assume perfect torc sets will see 50k+ with sc dmg
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-08 21:14:18
On drk, while it is great, its not your only tool and I see for a beginning Drk torc will be best ws (full sulv-ish), then after a full set of argosy (ideally +1) will make reso shine for mid lv drks.
This X 1000 it's literally the easiest way to get good numbers as DRK and i wish this was the advice given to be when I came back cause Sulv+1 is only 18WSD and 15vitish off full minus feet (perfect)odyssean gear and is near perfect for Torc and while you get it u can make a tp and WS cape, so basically in a day with a good ambu set you could go from a gimp DRK to a DRK that can do endgame (vouchers coming back next week for those that don't have).
I can see how Argosy+1 could put Resolution above Torc but not NQ it doesn't have enough Da so really for most DRK's it's better to focus on Torcleaver and have a Resolution set as a secondary WS cause getting vale+1 is insanely expensive and also near impossible on some servers because of lack of crafters.
Either way, for me Torc > Res but that's because my gear available to me makes it impossible to get Resolution to perform better.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 86
By Asura.Bloodlusty 2017-01-08 21:25:08
This X 1000 it's literally the easiest way to get good numbers as DRK and i wish this was the advice given to be when I came back cause Sulv+1 is only 18WSD and 15vitish off full minus feet (perfect)odyssean gear and is near perfect for Torc and while you get it u can make a tp and WS cape, so basically in a day with a good ambu set you could go from a gimp DRK to a DRK that can do endgame (vouchers coming back next week for those that don't have).
I can see how Argosy+1 could put Resolution above Torc but not NQ it doesn't have enough Da so really for most DRK's it's better to focus on Torcleaver and have a Resolution set as a secondary WS cause getting vale+1 is insanely expensive and also near impossible on some servers because of lack of crafters.
Either way, for me Torc > Res but that's because my gear available to me makes it impossible to get Resolution to perform better.
Well summed up
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 65
By Asura.Luckyseven 2017-01-09 16:47:22
Thanks alot for the Intel guys. I hadn't even considered to focus on a set for torc. Got full sulevia and 3/5 odyssean so will focus on this instead. While getting argosy+1 is within reach, I just feel I can't defend spending that much gil on it. Even when I make voodoo pieces myself, I feel selling is the better option :S
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-01-09 16:58:18
I am going to weigh in, Torc actually has my vote as the better ws. Not only does my torc compete with my reso (near perfect reso set only missing hq body) but I get the sc spams.
Assuming perfect torc set, I full well believe that torc will beat reso, just looking at the ftp of reso puts reso ahead, but looking at the ftp and nearly +50% wsdmg, AND! far easier sc spamming that can close light or dark... Torc wins by a fairly decent margin. That ws dmg without perfect torc sets are putting drks over 40k spams on torc. I assume perfect torc sets will see 50k+ with sc dmg
I Love Torc. I Skillchain as much as possible regardless of weapon. Resolution is great but if you aren't skillchaining you're leaving dmg on the table imo.
Just to compare my thoughts on what I assume would be for the perfect torc set. What does your perfect Torc set look like? Gotta make sure I'm not overlooking anything. I'm getting kinda old am miss things from time to time. ;)
Thanks man
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-09 18:02:35
I am going to weigh in, Torc actually has my vote as the better ws. Not only does my torc compete with my reso (near perfect reso set only missing hq body) but I get the sc spams.
Assuming perfect torc set, I full well believe that torc will beat reso, just looking at the ftp of reso puts reso ahead, but looking at the ftp and nearly +50% wsdmg, AND! far easier sc spamming that can close light or dark... Torc wins by a fairly decent margin. That ws dmg without perfect torc sets are putting drks over 40k spams on torc. I assume perfect torc sets will see 50k+ with sc dmg
I Love Torc. I Skillchain as much as possible regardless of weapon. Resolution is great but if you aren't skillchaining you're leaving dmg on the table imo.
Just to compare my thoughts on what I assume would be for the perfect torc set. What does your perfect Torc set look like? Gotta make sure I'm not overlooking anything. I'm getting kinda old am miss things from time to time. ;)
Thanks man
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 397
By Sylph.Braden 2017-01-09 18:11:21
should throw in Niqmaddu Ring over Titan +1
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-09 18:15:15
should throw in Niqmaddu Ring over Titan +1 Great call, completely forgot about that ring.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-09 19:05:39
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
(drk) Torc
Not sure yet which will perform better at high value 5 vit or 1 wsd. However if it is wsd you can actually get 54% wsd :D
Wish drk had a good spreadsheet and idk how to make them....
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2017-01-09 19:21:37
You can get 57% if you want to push extreme DM augs on Ody.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-09 21:12:01
you could get a ton more on DM too than 57% :D 54% is just fern augs, DM you can get up to +9% ive seen, which means +69% possible, though improbable lmao... wow i cant imagine the dmg!
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2017-01-09 21:22:20
Ohhh that's good to know, didn't know it could get that high. Got lucky on head and legs the first DM campaign and got +6% on each.
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-09 21:35:17
I have yet to see a single useful DM augment on anything I trade.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 590
By Bismarck.Gippali 2017-01-09 21:43:05
Got Val. Body with QA +3 yesterday...and CHR +4 and Emnity-5 -_-
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-09 22:39:06
ya I normally trade odys hands/legs with hopes of wsd 9 on them (or high acc QA3).... Today I decided to use my last 2 DM on valo body for shits and giggles (want stp 11)... got 14 acc/att 13 int some random mab/macc and 7 WSD.... I was pissed lol since I am nearly to af+3 body and that aug on valo body is meaningless now for me since I dont play drg or sam lmao. I wanted to /explodeInternet. I didnt take it since I could erase my stp valo body for jobs I dont even use atm. Had that been on valo hands that.... man I would have loved that (low acc but I am overcapped on most anyhow).
I have heard its possible to get 11 WSD though I have personally never seen it.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-09 23:44:44
vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903
I'll be putting that in what I'm going to call "Blackened Death Metal Tier." or "Norwegian Death Metal Tier." I don't know, something that espouses DRK excellence in terms of, "that's so *** metal."
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-01-09 23:58:41
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903That's a great set. Good to know I wasn't very far off what you have down. Now maybe I'm off but isn't that way more than 48%?
Even being modest with 5% on the head and legs, 10 on body, back, neck and waist. Isn't those 6 pieces alone 50%? So add in the feet, hands, ring and earring. Isn't that over 60%. Again I may be wrong in how this actually calculates. Let me know if I am off, I'd really rather know how it truly works out.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-10 00:01:19
Fotia Gorget and Belt aren't WSDMG.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-10 00:25:18
Fotia Gorget and Belt aren't WSDMG. He's not including Belts/Gorgets as WSDMG, otherwise he'd be over 48% with max DM augments.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 521
By Odin.Geriond 2017-01-10 00:27:32
Ye Fotia Gorget and Belt aren't WSDMG. He's not including Belts/Gorgets as WSDMG, otherwise he'd be over 48% with max DM augments. Yes, that's my point. I was correcting Darkside.
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-10 00:36:12
Fotia Gorget and Belt aren't WSDMG. He's not including Belts/Gorgets as WSDMG, otherwise he'd be over 48% with max DM augments. Yes, that's my point. I was correcting Darkside. Oh. Sorry, my reading comprehension had a derp moment. >_>;
Isn't those 6 pieces alone 50%? So add in the feet, hands, ring and earring. Isn't that over 60%. Fotia's wording over the latent is misleading when compared to elemental gorgets/belts. The "WSDMG+10%" on Fotia Gorget/Belt is still the +0.1 fTP (25/256 fTP) multiplier from elemental gorgets/belts, making it a total of +0.2 fTP (50/256 fTP) multiplier with both Fotias used together.
Basically they just slapped "Weapon Skill Damage +10%" onto both Fotia pieces instead of writing something different
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 230
By Sylph.Darkside 2017-01-10 12:09:09
Fotia's wording over the latent is misleading when compared to elemental gorgets/belts. The "WSDMG+10%" on Fotia Gorget/Belt is still the +0.1 fTP (25/256 fTP) multiplier from elemental gorgets/belts, making it a total of +0.2 fTP (50/256 fTP) multiplier with both Fotias used together.
Ah. Thank you! Yes, it is GREATLY MISLEADING. lol I was like My math isn't that bad wtf. lol
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-10 12:18:04
vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903
I'll be putting that in what I'm going to call "Blackened Death Metal Tier." or "Norwegian Death Metal Tier." I don't know, something that espouses DRK excellence in terms of, "that's so *** metal."
I prefer norwegian, the viking thing hits a sweet spot for me... hence....Thorva
By aisukage 2017-01-10 12:42:40
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903That's a great set. Good to know I wasn't very far off what you have down. Now maybe I'm off but isn't that way more than 48%?
Even being modest with 5% on the head and legs, 10 on body, back, neck and waist. Isn't those 6 pieces alone 50%? So add in the feet, hands, ring and earring. Isn't that over 60%. Again I may be wrong in how this actually calculates. Let me know if I am off, I'd really rather know how it truly works out.
Ammo = 6
heady = 5 = 11
Earring = 2 = 13
Body = 10 = 23
hands = 7 = 30
ring = 3 = 33
back = 10 = 43
legs = 5 = 48
feet = 6 = 54
so looking at 54% potential max WSD from that set. What I would like to ask is how good is fotia really for torc? Being a single hit WS I would of thought not that great but not sure if there are any better pieces
I could be wrong and would like clarification if I am but for a single hit WS
1000% TP = 4.75FTP fotia makes it 4.85FTP which is just over 2.1% WSD
2000% TP = 7.5 which fotia will make a 1.3% WSD
3000% TP = 10FTP fotia making it 10.1FTP which is just 1% WSD
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-10 12:47:08
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)
ItemSet 348903That's a great set. Good to know I wasn't very far off what you have down. Now maybe I'm off but isn't that way more than 48%?
Even being modest with 5% on the head and legs, 10 on body, back, neck and waist. Isn't those 6 pieces alone 50%? So add in the feet, hands, ring and earring. Isn't that over 60%. Again I may be wrong in how this actually calculates. Let me know if I am off, I'd really rather know how it truly works out.
Ammo = 6
heady = 5 = 11
Earring = 2 = 13
Body = 10 = 23
hands = 7 = 30
ring = 3 = 33
back = 10 = 43
legs = 5 = 48
feet = 6 = 54
so looking at 54% potential max WSD from that set. What I would like to ask is how good is fotia really for torc? Being a single hit WS I would of thought not that great but not sure if there are any better pieces
I could be wrong and would like clarification if I am but for a single hit WS
1000% TP = 4.75FTP fotia makes it 4.85FTP which is just over 2.1% WSD
2000% TP = 7.5 which fotia will make a 1.3% WSD
3000% TP = 10FTP fotia making it 10.1FTP which is just 1% WSD
Really starting to wonder where the *** I got 48% from, think I didnt count ammo when I added it up.
As for fotia, that is generally my go-to for ws, if you saw my invent you would understand. I think I heard in the past it actually was NOT BiS for torc. But are those values for both fotia neck and belt or just one?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,759
By Valefor.Omnys 2017-01-10 12:51:11
Hello DRKs
I'm a Paladin, but I promise to be moody and brooding while I'm here.
Any of you guys seen SIRD on Ody. Feet DM Augment?
My friend has a pair but I've never seen it roll at all.