Endeavoring To Awaken --A Guide To Rune Fencer

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Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
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Posts: 9079
By SimonSes 2020-02-06 11:02:09  
Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
SimonSes said: »
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Yeah, that was the 2nd mention of using MAB for Shockwave on this page alone, so I was wondering if something changed with Shockwave while I was gone or something.

Nothing changed. For damage on Shockwave you gear for STR/WSD/Multiattack (1%WSD being roughly equal to 1% of multi-attack)

Wait..... Shockwave can MA?

Afaik all physical melee WS can MA. For AoE WS MA proc is separate for each mob it hits. For shockwave MA is less effective than for Spinning Attack on MNK, because Shockwave is only 1hit WS, so only one chance to proc MA. Still the low fTP (1.0) makes MA proc very potent. Double Attack will pretty much double damage, TA triple damage and QA will quadruple damage.

2000+ is no MA, 4000+ is DA proc, 9000+ is QA proc
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
Posts: 1090
By Asura.Bippin 2020-02-06 14:13:00  
Just putting it out there, I normally use Fell cleave in omen.
サーバ: Fenrir
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Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-02-14 07:00:35  
Good Morning all!

Lot's of pages to comb through. What would be considered a great DT set including epeo?
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2020-02-14 08:44:43  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Lot's of pages to comb through. What would be considered a great DT set including epeo?
One with -75% PDT and Su3 hands+feet. ;^*

First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP, possibly try to work in Utu grip (not 100% needed for straight tanking, but it's a bonus to have), the only thing I can really think of that is a "must have" (akin to WHM's ebers pantaloons +1 or souveran schaller +1 on PLD) is Turms mittens/Turms mittens +1.
Everything else, so long as you're hitting your -75%PDT, is up to personal taste.
Posts: 699
By Wotasu 2020-02-14 08:55:05  
This has up-to-date sets
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2020-02-14 09:07:25  
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »
Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Leviathan.Kingkitt said: »
Homsar said: »
What are the cape augments for a tanking set?

Cape augments will vary upon your build. But something along the lines of HP +60, eva/meava +20, meva +10, enm +10, and pdt -10 or parry +5
Which reminds me, anyone been able to make a Parry+5 Ambuscade cape work without losing too much Physical Damage Taken

This my current set of choice for tanking with PDT-10 on cape:
*3055 HP & 76% PDT
ItemSet 355625

A quick adjustment to the set to allow parry on cape:
*2917 HP & 74% PDT
ItemSet 370098

Sets can be adjusted with new DI earring for more HP.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1385
By Asura.Pergatory 2020-02-14 10:07:51  
FaeQueenCory said: »
First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP magic evasion
Fixed that for you!

HP is overrated, any more than about 2900-3000 and you'll just end up losing hundreds of HP every time you cast a spell.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1012
By Fenrir.Kaldaek 2020-02-14 10:43:06  
Asura.Pergatory said: »
FaeQueenCory said: »
First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP magic evasion
Fixed that for you!

HP is overrated, any more than about 2900-3000 and you'll just end up losing hundreds of HP every time you cast a spell.

Whats your set look like?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Pergatory
Posts: 1385
By Asura.Pergatory 2020-02-14 11:13:26  
Fenrir.Kaldaek said: »
Asura.Pergatory said: »
FaeQueenCory said: »
First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP magic evasion
Fixed that for you!

HP is overrated, any more than about 2900-3000 and you'll just end up losing hundreds of HP every time you cast a spell.

Whats your set look like?
ItemSet 348167
Not that much different than the proposed, really. Just Eabani, Engraved Belt, and Erilaz Greaves. Turms Cap+1 can probably be worked in to improve it, this is just what I settled on last time I worked on it.

I suspect another difference might be capes, I went 60 HP and 30 MEva, where I suspect many choose 80 & 20.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2020-02-14 11:28:37  
Asura.Pergatory said: »
FaeQueenCory said: »
First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP magic evasion
Fixed that for you!

HP is overrated, any more than about 2900-3000 and you'll just end up losing hundreds of HP every time you cast a spell.

Here's a precast set that you won't drop HP with, and not hard to change up your midcast set to be near the 3k mark either. ItemSet 355623
Posts: 1273
By FaeQueenCory 2020-02-14 11:43:17  
Asura.Pergatory said: »
FaeQueenCory said: »
First hit your DT cap, then push up your HP magic evasion
Fixed that for you!

HP is overrated, any more than about 2900-3000 and you'll just end up losing hundreds of HP every time you cast a spell.
First you have to get out of 2500.
Though I can agree to Meva after you're ~3k. More HP than that is wasteful (and usually costs you DT).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Botosi
Posts: 375
By Asura.Botosi 2020-02-20 23:14:06  
Anyone have an updated SIRD set? I get interrupted way too much when I have multiple mobs on me.
Posts: 14823
By Pantafernando 2020-03-05 05:51:38  

Rolling my PDCA, would like to have some benchmarking about methods on RUN you guy have been using mainly to keep mobs attention.

What you guys have been doing when using melee strat and ranged strat? Using every jas as soon as you can, DRK stun,WAR provoke, etc? And how normally the mob behave when using those methods, if it keeps 100% on tank or eventualy he head to DD, mages, etc?

Thanks in advance
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-09 16:53:15  
Can anybody share an up-to-date SirD set, please? Thank you!
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: Yandaime
Posts: 786
By Valefor.Yandaime 2020-03-09 17:02:26  
Pantafernando said: »

Rolling my PDCA, would like to have some benchmarking about methods on RUN you guy have been using mainly to keep mobs attention.

What you guys have been doing when using melee strat and ranged strat? Using every jas as soon as you can, DRK stun,WAR provoke, etc? And how normally the mob behave when using those methods, if it keeps 100% on tank or eventualy he head to DD, mages, etc?

Thanks in advance

If fighting, Flash/Stun > Battuta > Foil > Fight as normal. As long as I use Flash/Stun and Foil regularly (haven’t needed to spam) Mob stays put.

If not fighting, same thing but I cast once ready.

Typically the mob locks onto you right away with Flash. It’s just like PLD but.. With a RDM flare to it? Lol
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2020-03-09 18:40:20  
Asura.Sechs said: »
Can anybody share an up-to-date SirD set, please? Thank you!

RUN doesn't have it as easy as PLD as far as SIR+keeping your PDTs up and HP stable. So you'll have to decide where you compromise.

TBH if you're using an SIR set, it's probably because you're casting blue magic or want to be extra safe with poisonga. You have access to a ton of FC gear so proper timing negates the need for it on most other spells.

ItemSet 364247

Cape is PDT10 Taeon are Phalanx+SIR of at least 8 to hit 102% with merits

You can tweak for stuff like Emet+1 or Moonlight+1 for more enmity or more HP. Evanescence Ring instead of Halasz Earring is an option too but I like the DT+HP rings provide.
Posts: 14823
By Pantafernando 2020-03-09 18:51:03  
Ya, only new piece added in SID set is audumbla sash, but still the extra PDT isnt enough to drop some piece or replace something else. Personally it would be great more 5% SID so dropping Rawhide Gloves for Regal Gauntlet and the lots of HP.

Another thing im looking for maybe in next DM campaign is that you can get SID on herc dropping taeon for better stats (at least more 2 PDT over taeon).

Lets see if the UNM augmented pieces give us something good. Maybe gelatinous ring.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-09 18:51:41  
With Regal Gloves I can get my HP up to ~2820 in my SirD set, which is an HP loss but at least it's within 100 HP from my tanking/idle sets.
To achieve that I need to sacrifice 10% DT from Defending Ring though.
I also need to convert my Ethereal Earring (which frankly barely has an use anymore to me atm, I guess) into a Magnetic Earring.
Shush, so much work, so many sacrifices.

Oh yeah, 45mils for the neck too, lmao xD
Le sigh.
Posts: 14823
By Pantafernando 2020-03-09 18:54:33  
The neck is great though. Not just the best SID but best enmity neck.

Worth the investiment. If i ever can find another one on AH...
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 368
By Pandemonium.Zeto 2020-03-09 18:57:44  
I need to update my personal set because, yeah, Evanescence Ring+Regal Gauntlets over Rawhide+2nd Moonlight/Defending is probably an upgrade.

But most people don't have those so Rawhide in the sample set.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-09 19:16:43  
Pantafernando said: »
The neck is great though. Not just the best SID but best enmity neck.
Not denying the fact it has 5 more enmity than the next best option (Futhark+2), but it also has 60 less HP, 7 less DT, 30 less Meva.
If you're trying to avoid making your HP do more than ~100 jumps and want to defend yourself for situations where you're gonna get hit in your enmity midcast set, then I'd gladly sacrifice 5 enmity for all the stuff I just mentioned.
If that makes me save 1 inventory slot and 45 mils then I'll do that even more happily <3

With all of this I don't wanna deny Moonlight's spot as BiS for pure enmity, but that it's a tough trade compared to Futhark+2.
That is: if you already have a Futhark+2, if you don't it's a different story of course.

Tbf it's a tough choice.
Huge HP difference, but 10% less DT is no joke.
I'm still a bit unconvinced about the "obligatoriness" of a SirD build on RUN with the current gear options. Audumbla Sash is a first step in the right direction, augmented UNM gear might provide more useful items.
Until then I'm not sure I personally judge it worth it, given how easily I've been able to tank Divergence and other stuff on RUN without any major issue even without a SirD build.
Think I'll keep this project on hold for a bit longer...
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1096
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-09 19:28:52  
I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I'd highly recommend using the VIT/Defense Idle set in some spells such as Sheep Song/Poisonga.
Takes 0 damage from almost anything in-game and acts as an SiRD set while saving you the inventory space and the nonsense of messing with HP/DT balance.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2020-03-09 19:40:34  
Semi-OT but Shiraj do you have ~472 skill in your Phalanx set?
Previously I had 444 skill because I didn't want to accept too many sacrifices in terms of HP (Taeon is a huge sacrifice for that...) and DT.
I know you use DM augmented Herculean.

With a few item swaps and the new Mimir Earring I managed to easily reach 473 skill while keeping some degree of DT and my HP within ~50 range from my other sets.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1096
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-03-09 20:39:56  
Asura.Sechs said: »
Semi-OT but Shiraj do you have ~472 skill in your Phalanx set?
Previously I had 444 skill because I didn't want to accept too many sacrifices in terms of HP (Taeon is a huge sacrifice for that...) and DT.
I know you use DM augmented Herculean.

With a few item swaps and the new Mimir Earring I managed to easily reach 473 skill while keeping some degree of DT and my HP within ~50 range from my other sets.

I have 445 skill in my Phalanx set. In gear + skill it gives me +55 Phalanx. +33 from skill, 22 from gear.

The only Skill piece i use in Phalanx set is Andoa earring.
I find it better imo. sacrifice 1 damage difference for survival.
Posts: 425
By Autocast 2020-03-24 20:08:18  
Odr/moonshade current BIS for dimidiation correct?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Trumpet
By Asura.Trumpet 2020-03-26 10:42:19  
Asura.Shiraj said: »
I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but I'd highly recommend using the VIT/Defense Idle set in some spells such as Sheep Song/Poisonga.
Takes 0 damage from almost anything in-game and acts as an SiRD set while saving you the inventory space and the nonsense of messing with HP/DT balance.

I'm assuming youd need a good phalanx set for this but any other outside buffs besides prot5? I'm still missing deacon sword and +3 relic head so not sure if I can make this work just yet but it sounds fun
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: kingkitt
Posts: 518
By Leviathan.Kingkitt 2020-03-26 11:29:04  
For phalanx with DT/HP, this is my go to set:
ItemSet 371957

For max phalanx I use this:
ItemSet 355630

I have some herc with +4, but these sets better reflect gear obtainable outside of DM
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shiraj
Posts: 1096
By Asura.Shiraj 2020-04-15 08:05:39  
So just tested and finally came to conclusion.
Futhark Mittons do not give Subtle Blow II.
Instead of Sleight of Sword giving 25 subtle blow at 5/5 merits, using the gloves upon activation gives it 35 subtle blow.

Tested this in PvP and it looks like each merit point invested into Sleight of sword is 2 subtle blow per, +10 for 5/5.
I would imagine +1/+2/+3 is the same for +2 subtle blow per merit as there is no indication it has increased if the +3 is only +2.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10161
By Asura.Sechs 2020-04-15 09:29:58  
so freakingly overpowered!
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