Anyone On Cerb With Hearing Loss?

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Anyone on cerb with hearing loss?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Redge
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Alcholic 2013-04-02 22:28:33  
Cerberus.Drayco said: »
My buddy's wife is 90% deaf. Two things that are pretty unique about their relationship.

First, they can have conversations with each other from across the room just reading lips...

Second, when she gets pissed off at him, she just pulls her hearing aids out. Its awesome lol

lol i used to read lips but havent kept that particular skill, since theres too many varieties of lip movements, such as lisping, or others talk with their tongues hanging out, or have beards/mustaches obscuring lips, and some talk with one side of their mouths, popeye style. while others mumble and mutter. or all of above. really *** difficult to decipher.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Redge
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Alcholic 2013-04-02 22:36:59  
Tylaar said: »
Cerberus.Alcholic said: »
yo, was just wondering if theres people on cerb who's like me.

There's no-one like you Redge! ;)

aw. love u too tylaar :p

least ur aware of possibly losing what u prolly took for granted while young.

Silence is not golden. It drives me nuts when i only have my eyes while working, when others can listen to the radio, music or whatever, while all i can do is look at my work. *** boring. (i work outside in the fields)
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Redge
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Alcholic 2013-04-03 17:39:49  
Bahamut.Haymitch said: »
Well, I am on Bahamut. I am deaf as well. I was born with damaged ear nerves. You are not alone. I almost don't get into LS just because of the vent stuff. It was sorta unfair, but I was able to get in anyway because my friend doesn't mind to type everything to me what they were planning to do with the events. If people dont like it, just screw them. Find right people who is willing to work it out with you.

heh yeah. im fortunate to have ppl willing to work with me while others are on vent.
actucally, my ls leader is sympathetic, since she has deaf family members.
didnt like it when the co-leader of alternate time events started to demand us to get on vent and others readily agreed like it was the most important thing ever.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Alshandra
Posts: 34
By Cerberus.Alshandra 2013-04-05 15:30:24  
oh my dear, dont get too wrung out over the vent thing :( i think its mostly the older members of the LS who prefer/insist on vent for events, as we used to have the whole LS in vent when we did stuff- its just what they are used to.
no ones going to boot you out for not going on vent! or ill have something to say :P
if it makes you feel better, the ffxi music gets boring for me, so i play with it off anyway ;)

i have... seven deaf people in my family, (was eight, with my mum, but you know,) so i sign quite well, mostly because of my dad, the rest of my aunt/cousins/etc mostly live interstate so i dont see them much
my dad can lipread a fair bit, but its easier for me to just sign to him
the ironic part is my dad has a huge ***-off beard, so while his manly ive-been-lost-on-a-deserted-island-for-twenty-years beard is his pride and joy, he hates trying to talk to ppl with facial hair for the lipreading factor lol.
sometimes when we are out and about shopping or whatever, ppl stare at us when we talk to eachother, i guess some people dont see deaf conversations often, and couple of times ive heard ppl comment on it near by and they dont realise i can hear them lol.
but its actually interesting in reverse, sometimes ill see deaf ppl chatting and ill be like, trying to look at them out of the corner of my eye to see what they are saying lol.
i dont understand it all sometimes, my dad and i have a bit of a what would you say, like a 'slang' version of sign language- in australia the official one is 'auslan' but i dont know all the signs, theres too many, i can get the gist of the conversation, but when im signing to someone i dont know very well ill have to ask them what they mean a few times, and get them to spell the word out.

anywho, this is a very interesting thread, i didnt realise there was three of you in my linkshell that had similar issues- im glad you posted here redge, hopefully you feel a bit better knowing you are not the only one out there :) xo xo
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Redge
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Alcholic 2013-04-07 15:30:44  
Cerberus.Alshandra said: »
oh my dear, dont get too wrung out over the vent thing :( i think its mostly the older members of the LS who prefer/insist on vent for events, as we used to have the whole LS in vent when we did stuff- its just what they are used to.
no ones going to boot you out for not going on vent! or ill have something to say :P
if it makes you feel better, the ffxi music gets boring for me, so i play with it off anyway ;)

i have... seven deaf people in my family, (was eight, with my mum, but you know,) so i sign quite well, mostly because of my dad, the rest of my aunt/cousins/etc mostly live interstate so i dont see them much
my dad can lipread a fair bit, but its easier for me to just sign to him
the ironic part is my dad has a huge ***-off beard, so while his manly ive-been-lost-on-a-deserted-island-for-twenty-years beard is his pride and joy, he hates trying to talk to ppl with facial hair for the lipreading factor lol.
sometimes when we are out and about shopping or whatever, ppl stare at us when we talk to eachother, i guess some people dont see deaf conversations often, and couple of times ive heard ppl comment on it near by and they dont realise i can hear them lol.
but its actually interesting in reverse, sometimes ill see deaf ppl chatting and ill be like, trying to look at them out of the corner of my eye to see what they are saying lol.
i dont understand it all sometimes, my dad and i have a bit of a what would you say, like a 'slang' version of sign language- in australia the official one is 'auslan' but i dont know all the signs, theres too many, i can get the gist of the conversation, but when im signing to someone i dont know very well ill have to ask them what they mean a few times, and get them to spell the word out.

anywho, this is a very interesting thread, i didnt realise there was three of you in my linkshell that had similar issues- im glad you posted here redge, hopefully you feel a bit better knowing you are not the only one out there :) xo xo

ah yeah, i know what your saying. my dad doesnt really praticse sign language so he has his own version that only i understand. when he tries to communicate with other deaf ppl, they would have no clue what he's saying. plus.. -I- cant understand what deaf ppl from other parts of the US are saying for most part. those who hail from the east coast of the US, its like a whole other language to me. my family whom lives in aus... some of them work as sign language interpretors over there, whenever they come to vist, ugh, dont get me started. sure, i can understand basic language if they slow down.

so yeah, sign language is as varied as spoken language.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Orthanc
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Orthanc 2013-04-15 00:10:29  
/wafts the fresh ground coffee at redge
/gos back to creaper mode <3
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Alei
Posts: 165
By Bahamut.Alei 2013-04-15 00:18:12  
Cerberus.Alcholic said: »
yo, was just wondering if theres people on cerb who's like me.
ya see, i was born with damaged ear nerves, so as result, i have a 90% hearing loss. so yeah u guessed it, im deaf, and therefore, cant join on vent or skype or w/e. im asking this now is cuz i had a recent chat with my LS leader and one of the things had me wondering.. are there others like me, or am I alone?

I have met quite a few people in Final Fantasy XI that are deaf. In fact I had a few in my linkshell that would video chat eachother. It was actually pretty awesome when they found eachother. So as the others are saying on here you are definetly not alone.

You should form a deaf linkshell! :D
Posts: 48
By Ivette1 2013-04-19 11:15:27  
hey, i think that the best thing about a video game is to submerge into the fantasy you're playing. in my case, i have been asked to join in skype chats, facebook and other services that would take me from being my character and step into real life. I like the fact that i can keep my personal life and game life separately. It also doesnt help when your brother is a cop and makes sure his sister doesnt get in to trouble :) also i am tired of the game's music so i play on low volume for the most part, if i see my hp starting to go down it means i aggroed lol