Sigurd's Descendants: The Art of Dragon Slaying.
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,352
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2023-05-04 21:09:06
I finally finished getting the plutons for my Gungnir to afterglow, and I'm looking at it vs the Geirrothr(got it from a Gobbiebox). Current set is this as I am still a semi-returning player with no real endgame shell aside from a small group of friends we play casually with. I still want to work to getting myself some better gear, though, as I love my DRG. Also have Pelt. Mez+3 if better than Flamma.
Unless I'm doing Geirskogul spam I feel like Geirrothr is going to do better, am I right?
I rank 15'd it to screw around. But you don't need to spam Geirskogul for it to be viable.
Like the aftermath still gives you 5% Double Attack and a 5% attack bonus. It does some additional damage on normal melee hits and will occasionally lower defense (17.5%) between Angons.
It's going to come down to what you are fighting honestly.
It's pretty neat for just doing simple skillchains. G-> Stardiver= Darkness.
Drakes->CT->G will give you double light.
If you have it made already, I'd just rock it.
By Ozaii 2023-05-10 18:01:23
just for fun. 100% da setup lol. Brigantias mantle with 10% da, assume war sub, new prime weapon, and wyvern. Can use other weapons if you have the new fickblix ring.
ItemSet 391192
not really tanky at all but fun to do it.
This doesn't quite cap haste. I'm sure you can make it though with some toying with it. Tired of toying with it but yea its fun but not practical cuz dt is so lovely.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2023-05-10 19:35:52
I expected nothing and I'm still disappointed.
BTW all the new WS are identical to relic WS animations. I guess Wyvern Level+3 is neat?
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-05-10 20:00:19
Wyvern DT woulda been nice
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 733
By Asura.Highwynn 2023-05-11 13:39:24
I feel like wyverns are already way way way more tanky than the drg. In fact the drg usually dies before the wyvern does cuz of doom/death shenanigans
By SimonSes 2023-05-11 15:38:46
I feel like wyverns are already way way way more tanky than the drg. In fact the drg usually dies before the wyvern does cuz of doom/death shenanigans
Exactly. People seems to ignore JSE+2 neck, gets hand and relic legs, otherwise they would know, that wyvern is very tanky in that setup.
By Nariont 2023-05-11 16:22:08
It's simply the only wyvern stat that currently matters, being able to shed some of that wyvern DT gear is at least something, but hey, your TP battery can get TP easier
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2023-05-11 16:36:40
it isnt about whether it was 'needed' or not. it would've been cool to have another option
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サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Nolano 2023-07-13 10:16:39
Hi all, new to Dragoon.
Is it customary to not call wyvern when dual wielding naeg/kraken?
It seems like the 15% DA from wyvern would upset the KC pretty badly. It’s a shame, as the JA haste would be nice to avoid having to wear yotai/eabani, along with the other awesome
boosts the wyvern provides.
サーバ: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-07-13 10:20:30
You'd call the wyvern even if it did mess with kclub, cause you'd want the atk bonus, ja haste, and WSD bonus more than you'd want to avoid DA.
サーバ: Carbuncle
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Posts: 2,939
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-13 10:21:59
I don't have a KC but I'd have to imagine that 20% attack, 10% JA haste and 10% WSD have to be worth more than the loss of KC hits. The DA also applies to your Naegling, so it increases your TP gain there as well.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Valefor.Dathus 2023-07-21 23:16:25
Question about Ryunohige vs Gungnir in a vacuum:
Where does Ryu overshadow Gungnir, and where would I use Gungnir over Ryu? I have both at 99 Afterglow R0.
Yes, I know other DREMA spears can be better, but between those two.
サーバ: Carbuncle
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By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-22 00:33:47
I don't own it so take this with a grain of salt, but the consensus I've seen from the community is generally that Gungnir is very close to totally useless. Maybe if you really need to do some specific skillchain which only Geirskogul can do, then it could be useful; I think that scenario is incredibly unlikely to come up though, so from those two options, Ryunohige is the best weapon for every scenario I could imagine.
サーバ: Asura
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Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2023-07-22 08:16:02
Ryu wins every time and it’s not close.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2023-07-22 11:24:10
Question about Ryunohige vs Gungnir in a vacuum:
Where does Ryu overshadow Gungnir, and where would I use Gungnir over Ryu? I have both at 99 Afterglow R0.
Yes, I know other DREMA spears can be better, but between those two.
Even most non-REMA polearms will beat Gungnir. Shining one crushes it, Geirrothr beats it, Aram is better, and even an Ikenga Lance R25+ is close to on par with it.
Gungnir's best use really is to use as a lever on a fulcrum to lift up a rock if you need the rock moved.
サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Valefor.Dathus 2023-07-22 13:47:40
Bahamut.Boposhopo said: »
Even most non-REMA polearms will beat Gungnir. Shining one crushes it, Geirrothr beats it, Aram is better, and even an Ikenga Lance R25+ is close to on par with it.
With all the ACC on it, I figured Gungnir was good on buff-starved situations vs Ryu. I am glad that I will be using Ryu, but still kinda sad Gungnir is now basically going to collect dust.
Also, how does Geirrothr beat it? I got that from a Gobbiebox and used the hell out of it. Is it just for bonus damage on jumps from HP plus Crit rate?
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2023-07-22 14:33:35
Bahamut.Boposhopo said: »
Even most non-REMA polearms will beat Gungnir. Shining one crushes it, Geirrothr beats it, Aram is better, and even an Ikenga Lance R25+ is close to on par with it.
With all the ACC on it, I figured Gungnir was good on buff-starved situations vs Ryu. I am glad that I will be using Ryu, but still kinda sad Gungnir is now basically going to collect dust.
Also, how does Geirrothr beat it? I got that from a Gobbiebox and used the hell out of it. Is it just for bonus damage on jumps from HP plus Crit rate?
Basically has all the stats you generally want sans multiattack. Good STR/VVIT bonus, has acc and atk on it and good DMG. Crit and Jump bonus is just gravy. It's very solid for Stardiver Spam and works pretty good for Camlann's as well.
By SimonSes 2023-07-22 14:46:55
I think you underestimate that def down add effect in situation where you switch target a lot and can't angon everything and/or fight something that can erase its debuffs. I'm not saying that would push it above Ryu, but probably easily above any non REMA.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 110
By Bahamut.Boposhopo 2023-07-22 15:47:58
I think you underestimate that def down add effect in situation where you switch target a lot and can't angon everything and/or fight something that can erase its debuffs. I'm not saying that would push it above Ryu, but probably easily above any non REMA.
Fair, however I was basing everything I said based on their comparison in a vacuum, which to me means under perfect conditions, in which case a Def down effect would be applied that's more potent than that of Gungnir's AE.
By SimonSes 2023-07-22 16:33:45
Even in the vacuum none will bother to put def down on every single trash mob and especially when Aria will be more and more common you will probably need this def down to take advantage of it.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,939
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-07-22 16:46:07
Even in the vacuum none will bother to put def down on every single trash mob and especially when Aria will be more and more common you will probably need this def down to take advantage of it.
True, and good point, however this also assumes you proc the def down before the trash dies.
By SimonSes 2023-07-22 16:52:09
Carbuncle.Maletaru said: »Even in the vacuum none will bother to put def down on every single trash mob and especially when Aria will be more and more common you will probably need this def down to take advantage of it.
True, and good point, however this also assumes you proc the def down before the trash dies.
Afaik proc rate was pretty high, but tbh I'm completely talking out of memory and not even my own experience.
By Nariont 2023-07-22 17:36:10
id say its an alright option if lowmanning, gives 5% atk, 5% DA, a strong def down that procs regularly, and opens up sc options for you, if you go further its also a 15% boost to all jumps which is another small perk.
As soon as you leave that scenerio though its pretty regularly trounced by other options, and even in the lowman scenerio i dont think its that far ahead other options. as far as vs ryu id just go back to it depends on how underbuffed you are but in a "regular" setup i think ryu wins pretty easily
EDIT: accuracy is another thing that is very handy in a lowman scenerio, even if drg gets a good chunk of it innately 60 acc is still pretty nice
サーバ: Cerberus
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Posts: 202
By Cerberus.Darkvlade 2023-07-23 08:28:09
Bahamut.Boposhopo said: »Question about Ryunohige vs Gungnir in a vacuum:
Gungnir's best use really is to use as a lever on a fulcrum to lift up a rock if you need the rock moved.
Savage !
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2023-07-23 10:08:05
What's with all the Gungnir hate, I mean sure it loses to shining one and naegling in most situations but ryu loses to those a lot of the time as well. Heck at r0 I don't know that ryu even has a use case over shining one and naegling at least Gungnir does.
Gungnir is actually great for low buff scenarios with it's high acc, att, and double attack boosts and defense down procs. Additionally you finally get a distortion SC property which can be a big deal sometimes. Gungnir has some very clear use cases where it beats everything else. Also shockspikes.
Ryu is fun and actually has potential in high buff scenarios at r15 but with drakesbanes attack penalty you really need even higher buffs than you would need with shining one and still its hard to beat out shining one and if you have those kind of buffs the Naegling K-club builds start entering the picture. I basically never use my r15 Ryunohige, it's never a bad weapon it just seems to always come up second place to other options I have.
By SimonSes 2023-07-23 10:48:05
Biggest advantage of Ryu is the same as biggest disadvantage of Gungnir and it's their look...
サーバ: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2023-07-23 12:42:23
EDIT: accuracy is another thing that is very handy in a lowman scenerio, even if drg gets a good chunk of it innately 60 acc is still pretty nice While I realize that the original question stipulated R0, I still think it's important to note that at R15, Gungnir's acc advantage is only +30 vs Mythic or Aeonic. weps. Since it doesn't get an acc augment.
By AegParm 2023-07-23 16:30:29
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By Nariont 2023-07-23 16:48:32
While I realize that the original question stipulated R0, I still think it's important to note that at R15, Gungnir's acc advantage is only +30 vs Mythic or Aeonic. weps. Since it doesn't get an acc augment.
Fair point, i forgot the acc increase all the mythic/aeonics receive
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Rhon's not at all bad, would get a bit more mileage if emp am3 worked on jumps
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 18
By Valefor.Dathus 2023-09-06 20:54:43
For those of you who're higher up on the DRG totem pole - How accurate are Spicyryan's builds on BGwiki? I am still working on some progression while dealing with other stuff, so just curious as to how close he is to the "best" builds.