some sets are, some aren't.
edit: now with details.
Starter: your first Lv.99 job, not yet ready to spam ambuscade.
(so still questing AF/relic/empy and working on getting access to 5 trusts probably)
These are all out of date as they require content beyond sparks gear. This is supposed to be the phase where you get you catch up on pre-iLv content and don't need more than sparks at most.
LQ: is difficult to quantify, because do you have to solo or are people carrying you?
NQ: mostly old, could update some with new HTBF accessories, ambu armor+2/weapon/grip or nq Ea instead of nq amalric or merlinic.
meh~good augment merlinic is what I consider NQ, if it's a great aug. I consider it HQ)
Standard ... is another name for NQ, right?
HQ: mostly correct, some sets should include new HTBF accessories, the ambu grip, and DT sets could swap in Su5 or malignance pole. (DT out of date in general)
HTBF accessories:
Sacro Cord,
Malignance Earring, and
Freke Ring.