You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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By Brynach 2019-07-01 10:23:21  
In a word, yes.
サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-01 12:18:15  
kunami said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Annihilator word porn

This post convinced me to spruce up the Annihilator section of the node. Cheers.

Thanks again for creating the new Sticky, and thanks even more for maintaining it. I might talk a mile a minute about Ranger'ing, but good lord I never wanted to maintain something like this! So again, bravo!
Posts: 107
By kunami 2019-07-01 12:39:49  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
kunami said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Annihilator word porn

This post convinced me to spruce up the Annihilator section of the node. Cheers.

Thanks again for creating the new Sticky, and thanks even more for maintaining it. I might talk a mile a minute about Ranger'ing, but good lord I never wanted to maintain something like this! So again, bravo!

It would be a lot easier if FFXIAH's tools weren't from 2007, but this is the life we have chosen.
Posts: 38
By Lilfrosty 2019-07-04 21:30:20  
Loving all the RNG posts :D

Lame question, what's the reasoning behind the weaps on OP for Coronach? (Love that Anni shines with RP, I will have to work on it)
Since my last post talking with you all I am halfway thru Ru'Aun for Fomal!
Again just curious on vampirism and odium weps, instead of like the Last Stand set of Perun +1 and Nusku combo?
Thank you all and happy 4th of july if you are in USA
Posts: 107
By kunami 2019-07-05 00:56:00  
Lilfrosty said: »
Loving all the RNG posts :D

Lame question, what's the reasoning behind the weaps on OP for Coronach? (Love that Anni shines with RP, I will have to work on it)
Thank you all and happy 4th of july if you are in USA

Coronach has a DEX / AGI modifier. STR from Vampirism helps with fSTR2.
サーバ: Ragnarok
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user: umii
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By Ragnarok.Umii 2019-07-08 05:46:27  
Related to Coronach set, is AGI on the back and herculean equipment better than STR?
Posts: 107
By kunami 2019-07-09 08:54:54  
Ragnarok.Umii said: »
Related to Coronach set, is AGI on the back and herculean equipment better than STR?

In the node it says to put AGI on all your WS gear except for Jishnu's
サーバ: Asura
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user: umii
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By Asura.Umisame 2019-07-09 11:34:28  
kunami said: »
Ragnarok.Umii said: »
Related to Coronach set, is AGI on the back and herculean equipment better than STR?

In the node it says to put AGI on all your WS gear except for Jishnu's

I know but I was reading previous pages and I saw the following sentence:
Asura.Zanosan said: »
If I'm remembering correctly, fSTR2 on any ranged attack or weaponskill is the same as about a 50% mod on WSs. So in this case, as a mod, STR is valued higher than AGI and DEX individually, point for point.
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-09 12:04:08  
Asura.Umisame said: »
I know but I was reading previous pages and I saw the following sentence:
Asura.Zanosan said: »
If I'm remembering correctly, fSTR2 on any ranged attack or weaponskill is the same as about a 50% mod on WSs. So in this case, as a mod, STR is valued higher than AGI and DEX individually, point for point.
On a physical WS, fSTR2 is increased by 1 with every 2~3 STR. So while not exactly the same as having a 50% STR mod... it's sorta like that in that +30 STR would be ~+15 base damage to the WS.

That being said, +30 AGI (and DEX for Jishnu) will tend to be more useful overall.
Empyreal Arrow = 50% AGI 20% STR: so +15 base damage for an AGI cape, and +21ish with a +30 STR cape. But this is because it has a STR term, and fSTR2 is stronger than fSTR.
Same would hold doubly true for Namas too because of that 40% STR mod.

But. when we get to guns... all the STR mods fall away.
Detonator (for comparison) = 70% AGI: so +21 for an AGI cape, and only +15ish with a +30 STR one.
Last Stand's 85% AGI is even more pronounced in favor of AGI over STR. (Same with Apex Arrow)
Coronach is closer with +12 for AGI and +15ish for STR.
But then when you get to your magic WSs... all of those are AGIvINT with 100% AGI mods. Making AGI excruciatingly potent.

So you'll get more bang for your buck with AGI overall.... unless there's a STRmod on the WS.
But given how guns>>>>>>>>>bows; AGI-WSdmg is the favored cape.
Posts: 73
By umii 2019-07-10 05:04:34  
For Coronach WS, if it's +12 for AGI and +15ish for STR. Then STR should be slightly better than AGI? Going all for AGI, is it just to save money/inventory?
サーバ: Asura
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user: Cronnus
Posts: 267
By Asura.Outlawbruce 2019-07-10 06:15:52  
umii said: »
For Coronach WS, if it's +12 for AGI and +15ish for STR. Then STR should be slightly better than AGI? Going all for AGI, is it just to save money/inventory?

I know guide says 30 agi for Cape. But I always play the way I want to play. I made Str 30 for my coronach set. It cant be 'wrong' because I will always win parse against cor spamming last stand and I dont use aeonic bullets, but anni is R15.

If you dont have inventory issues then I'd both a shot. I can play around with it when I get a free day.
サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-10 07:59:40  
Asura.Outlawbruce said: »
umii said: »
For Coronach WS, if it's +12 for AGI and +15ish for STR. Then STR should be slightly better than AGI? Going all for AGI, is it just to save money/inventory?

I know guide says 30 agi for Cape. But I always play the way I want to play. I made Str 30 for my coronach set. It cant be 'wrong' because I will always win parse against cor spamming last stand and I dont use aeonic bullets, but anni is R15.

If you dont have inventory issues then I'd both a shot. I can play around with it when I get a free day.

This is an exceedingly foolish statement. Imagine two Rangers, one spamming Last Stand with Fomalhaut, one spamming Coronach with Annihilator. Both R15. Gear is set up so both can 3 shot (WS + 2 TP shots) setup. If both Rangers are hitting their respective weaponskills for identical damage the Anni RNG will win the parse due to Relic procs on their TP shots.

This scenario of course isn't all of the picture- we have to ignore who's closing the skillchain for that extra damage to make this example work. We have to be already attack capped so the AM on Annihilator is worthless (at least the +Ranged Attack portion, that lovely -enmity is ALWAYS WORTH IT).

AGI vs. STR on a uniquely made Coronach cape....this is something I've wanted to try for quite a while. I'll fire one up this month during ambu to get real numbers, unless someone here beats me to it! I will advise this though before even running numbers- that AGI is going to help with ranged accuracy PLUS damage, wheras the STR is only going to help damage. And honestly, anything that I'm bringing out the Annihilator for is party/alliance content.

If I'm getting proper ranged/physical buffs then that would support a more damage based build. Sadly though, in situations where I'm not using magical weaponskills its rare that I'm getting any ranged accuracy buffs beyond Honor March. Thank goodness for that +73 racc from Job Trait "Accuracy Bonus VI" and +70 from gifts, along with an A+ marksmanship skill! That 30 AGI translates into another +22.5 ranged accuracy as well as damage...and we all know our weaponskill sets always tend to have less racc than our TP sets as we squeeze in more WSD and WS modifier gear.

And of course we always seem to do these tests only for damage on lower level mobs that just doesn't require high end content ranged accuracy. Its still worth doing to really know what in an ideal situation will push the damage further, and if its a big enough difference, well it may be worth the inventory to have that +30 STR cape because you'll have a +30 AGI cape anyways that can be part of your Coronach higher accuracy sets.

Like I said, we'll see how ambuscade goes this weekend how fast I can crank out the STR cape and do some legit testing. Until then, I do hope someone else beats me to it so we can have comparative numbers!
Posts: 5
By TheOGShiloh 2019-07-14 08:41:02  
I've been diligently plucking away at obtaining the sets on page 1 of this thread. I want to max my RNG output and feel like it's nearly there. For the rng tp preshot/midshot sets would the top rangers who put those sets together agree that they are still BiS? Or have things changed? Is Orion Jerkin +3 useful for non-double shot(JA)active moments or since it's native should I always have AF2+3 on for midshot?

サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-14 08:51:22  
regarding the top-tier Midshot set- I do still believe that AF+3 is a superior choice to Relic+3 when doubleshot is down. I also believe that for Relic, Empyrean and Mythic users can find more use out of Nisroch Jerkin with its high balance of STP with Critical Hit Rate, due to those 3 weapon categories are blessed with either a Double or Triple damage Aftermath where those crits really shine. I'd even place Oshosi+1 over Relic+3 body if your set needs a healthy boost of STP to meet a certain xHit build, such as situations without a Corsair.

I'm just not personally a fan of chance. And the Doubleshot rate without the /ja active on the Relic+3 body just isn't enough for me to build a TP set around it.

regarding the preshot sets- the cleanest options are clearly the ones posted on the front page of this sticky. If you're missing some options, other great sets can be built using other pairings of gear to hit those key numbers of Snapshot while maximizing Rapid Shot. And most of those top sets can still hit the required Snapshot with the +1 neck as well.
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By 2019-07-21 05:49:15
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Snapshot
Posts: 10
By Asura.Snapshot 2019-07-23 10:13:17  
What would be a better aug for TF?

AGI 11/Mab39 or WSD1/Mab43?
Posts: 1,273
By FaeQueenCory 2019-07-23 10:16:08  
Probably the WSdmg one. Assuming it's not the ONLY WSdmg you have.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Snapshot
Posts: 10
By Asura.Snapshot 2019-07-23 10:20:19  
FaeQueenCory said: »
Probably the WSdmg one. Assuming it's not the ONLY WSdmg you have.

Thanks. All my hercs have wsd. I'm assuming it's super close between the two but thought maybe the AGI would push it over.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Topace
Posts: 771
By Asura.Topace 2019-07-23 13:34:37  
If you’re set is MaB heavy I would think the agi one would come out on top no?
サーバ: Ragnarok
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user: Tdizzle
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By Ragnarok.Tdizzle 2019-07-23 13:37:52  
Asura.Topace said: »
If you’re set is MaB heavy I would think the agi one would come out on top no?

Probably dependant on the rest of his gear but they're probably pretty close. I'd tend to agree and thing the agi one would be slightly ahead since it's only a few mab and 1% wsd vs a decent amount of agi.

If it was wsd 4 or 5% then I'd probably say the wsd one. Or if the wsd one had at least some agi on it.
Posts: 30
By Hirameki 2019-07-23 22:51:19  
Hi. Just a quick questions for people who do dynamis D.

Assuming you have BRD 4 buffs + 4 cor rolls + a idris geo + rank 10-15 weapons, how does last stand/conorach do against Wave 2 boss and Wave 3 mirrors? What's the highest number on these two WSes you have seen with these mobs?

Thanks. Just checking before I wasted millions on Rank 15 my Annihilator/Fomalhaut.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-24 07:46:54  
Hirameki said: »
Hi. Just a quick questions for people who do dynamis D.

Assuming you have BRD 4 buffs + 4 cor rolls + a idris geo + rank 10-15 weapons, how does last stand/conorach do against Wave 2 boss and Wave 3 mirrors? What's the highest number on these two WSes you have seen with these mobs?

Thanks. Just checking before I wasted millions on Rank 15 my Annihilator/Fomalhaut.

It would NEVER be a waste to take up either of these weapons, in particular the Annihilator. There's more to the game than merely Dyna-D, and while RNG isn't blessed with a new Apollyon zone to compete with the double darkness that COR is given inside Dyna-D, there's a lot of content where RNG is quite at home.

Aeonic Cycles
Unity (some are still very relevant and in a party/small ally setup RNGs are great)
Many Intense Ambuscades
and yes, can be quite respectable in Dyna-D

Not to mention future HTBFs (as we can see, there's a pattern of releasing new ones frequently right now), and future large-scale content.

I wholeheartedly believe that you should carry strong physical as well as magical damage options as a Ranger. That means either going all-in on a Fomalhaut as a nice balance between the two, or work up at least a Gastraphetes as well as an Anni or Foma. Trueflight just isn't always our best option.

In regards to the specificity of your question about Coronach and Last Stand on the Wave 2 bosses and Fetters in Dyna-D (by you using that wording, I'm assuming you're sacking the Fetters and not fighting Volte Mobs?) its going to come down to the TYPE of buffs you're getting, not the number of buffs. Here's what I mean:

4 songs: Honor March, 2 Madrigals, Minuet
4 rolls: Samurai, Chaos, Fighter's, Rogue's
GEO: Fury + (Frailty or Barrier depending on your pt's GEO assignment)

Trueflight will be quite underpowered in this setup. Note that I included 2 madrigals vs. 2 preludes b/c unless your shell does a straight ranged jobs setup, you're more likely to get madrigals for the sake of your "heavy" DDs- DRKs, SAMs, WARs. But assume this setup:

4 songs: Honor March, Archer's Prelude, Minuet 5, Quick Etude
4 rolls: Samurai, Wizard, Tactician, Hunters
GEO: Acumen + (Malaise or Barrier, depending on your pt's GEO assignment)

This would make Trueflight win out over Coronach or Last Stand.

However, I would prefer a buff setup more like this for physical damage if you're in a mixed party setup (not a full RNG/COR damage source):

8 songs: Honor, Victory, 2 Madrigals, 2 Minuets, 2 Minnes
2 Rolls: Chaos/Samurai
GEO: Fury + (Frailty or Barrier, depending on assignment)

MUCH better protection, higher total +atk/+ratk, capped haste for your melees. If you have a party consisting of 2 RNGs, COR, GEO, BRD, WHM, one BRD can swap those madrigals for preludes. This requires BRDs rotating, which based on your comment of 4 rolls I'm assuming that you're rotating CORs? I must ask, why? If you do that, your CORs aren't getting all the buffs, and after being on COR for 90% of our runs and 100% of our wave 3 runs I know that Savage Blade wins for CORs in a mixed DD setup and your CORs need that extra acc that an 8 song setup provides. With a R10 Fomalhaut and a R13 Annihilator (ranks of those two I currently have), I typically see Last Stands in the range of 20-28k and Coronachs ranging from 18-27k with better white damage.


It depends on the buff setup that you roll with. Magical buffs? Trueflight will perform acceptably on everything outside of the actual Light Fetter. Physical damage buffs? Last Stand or Coronach is the winner depending on weapon choice, and both end up darn close once the related weapons are 15/15.
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By 2019-07-24 08:33:08
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サーバ: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-07-24 12:02:57  
DirectX said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
This requires BRDs rotating, which based on your comment of 4 rolls I'm assuming that you're rotating CORs? I must ask, why?
Could be COR COR RNG BRD BRD GEO in a party to get those buffs technically.

COR COR RNG BRD GEO WHM(or RDM, even better) would be more likely since they list 4 songs, 4 rolls, but point well taken.
By ocean 2019-07-24 22:28:18  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
DirectX said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
This requires BRDs rotating, which based on your comment of 4 rolls I'm assuming that you're rotating CORs? I must ask, why?
Could be COR COR RNG BRD BRD GEO in a party to get those buffs technically.

COR COR RNG BRD GEO WHM(or RDM, even better) would be more likely since they list 4 songs, 4 rolls, but point well taken.

I’d imagine you’d run into saturation problems with that setup
Posts: 30
By Hirameki 2019-07-24 22:58:26  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Hirameki said: »
Hi. Just a quick questions for people who do dynamis D.

Assuming you have BRD 4 buffs + 4 cor rolls + a idris geo + rank 10-15 weapons, how does last stand/conorach do against Wave 2 boss and Wave 3 mirrors? What's the highest number on these two WSes you have seen with these mobs?

Thanks. Just checking before I wasted millions on Rank 15 my Annihilator/Fomalhaut.

With a R10 Fomalhaut and a R13 Annihilator (ranks of those two I currently have), I typically see Last Stands in the range of 20-28k and Coronachs ranging from 18-27k with better white damage.

Thanks. Those are not bad number. DD PT is actually COR, COR, RNG, RNG, GEO, BRD. Other PT is RUNE and WHM. All have nearly BIS gears.

I'm lowing maning dynamis. Trying to figure out a better way to down 2nd wave bosses, who have a nature tendency to resist magical WS. I could do it in 15 minutes using trueflight and leaden salute, but ideally would like to cut it down to around 5-10 minutes. So that's why I'm even entertaining last stand and conorach.
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By 2019-07-27 06:57:25
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サーバ: Cerberus
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user: Jiko
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By Cerberus.Jiko 2019-07-29 02:40:34  
So, I'm trying to get into rng, but looking at the front page, Im a little confused at the f0/f1/f2 in the preshot section... sooooo I'll ask the stupid question of what that means before I start making endgame sets and such. Thanks.
サーバ: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2019-07-29 02:41:19  
no flurry/flurry I/flurry II
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