You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide

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You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
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サーバ: Asura
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user: Kido
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By Asura.Jackflashh 2021-04-15 13:32:54  
Is chrono best for WF? Or is it worth to switch to Devastating for the MACC. Wiki reads WF DMG as being "independent of Gun and Bullet DMG," so not sure if using higher base bullet is still worth?
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
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By Siren.Kyte 2021-04-15 13:41:01  
independent, i.e. zero effect
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gunit
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By Asura.Bippin 2021-04-15 14:31:43  
Orichalc. Bullet are RNG best option sadly
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
By Bahamut.Atigeve 2021-04-16 12:37:38  
So curious is the Ikengi set worth getting? I do not have full malignance yet, lilith hates me lol but bringing my rng back decent gear and wondering if i should even buy this set. Have gone abck several pages and not seeing a full answer to it, unless im blind which is possible.
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Berzerk06
Posts: 357
By Shiva.Berzerk 2021-04-16 14:43:21  
It's discussed a bit the last couple pages
サーバ: Phoenix
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user: Anza
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By Phoenix.Capuchin 2021-04-16 15:51:43  
Asura.Bippin said: »
Orichalc. Bullet are RNG best option sadly

There's no way I'd go with MAB+2 (Orichalcum) over Macc+35 (Devastating). Getting saved from a single partial resist due to the significant chunk of extra Macc is going to be worth the damage of dozens of sliiiiightly stronger unresisted WS with an extra 2 MAB. But yeah I guess if you don't have an Armageddon and you don't care about managing the additional inventory for that measly MAB+2...

Also, teccccchnicalllyyyyy you could shoot a Hauksbok or Animikii Bullet ;P

TBH, I wish they had done something a little different with Voluspa bullets. Maybe instead of Racc/Ratk+20, give us Racc/Ratk/MAB/Macc+10 or something. Would have even fit with the 2020~2021 FFXI ethos of giving us a continued reason to farm Domain Invasion points for stacks of WS ammo (80/stack isn't so unreasonable to think you might maintain some pouches of Voluspa for magical WS on not-Gastra with a bit of a balance between decent MAB and some Macc).
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1,006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2021-04-17 02:00:00  
Tbh i wish theyd have just made a voluspa pouch/quiver dispenser and just have it cost 1k points so non rema chars can have an unlimited ammo supply. It is fairly frustrating starting up an alt character for other jobs your main has no inventory for, and having very limited options for ranged ammo barring waiting for fomal. Even if its not that difficult to obtain for players with capable LSs, they did try to improve new player experiences... ranged ammo is one of the outdated things that just needs to be solved already.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-04-17 04:41:25  
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Tbh i wish theyd have just made a voluspa pouch/quiver dispenser and just have it cost 1k points so non rema chars can have an unlimited ammo supply. It is fairly frustrating starting up an alt character for other jobs your main has no inventory for, and having very limited options for ranged ammo barring waiting for fomal. Even if its not that difficult to obtain for players with capable LSs, they did try to improve new player experiences... ranged ammo is one of the outdated things that just needs to be solved already.

Kinda confused about this. you can take any purchasable ammo that's quiverable and get it converted from stacks into quivers/pouches for a flower, and immediately your problems of inventory (at least related to ammo) are solved.

Also, there is a legitimate argument these days that one shouldn't even be bringing a Ranger to an endgame event without a RMEA weapon. We're lucky that one of our relics is still extremely relevant (Annihilator) and they're so cheap to make these days, that even if you don't have easy access to building an Aeonic you can have a high end weapon in less than a month. Sure, there are marginally workable non-RMEA weapons (Holliday, Doomsday come to mind), but by the time you farm one and get workable augments, all that time and gil could have been spent on currency for a Relic or farming Empyrean items.

This is not coming from some elitist place. Its coming from a desire to see people who play Ranger get to enjoy it, and honestly it can be a pretty frustrating experience compared to other DD jobs without high end weaponry. You're probably better off just building a Savage Blade RNG with a Naegling until you have a RMEA bow or gun.
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-17 06:08:20  
Tbh I wouldnt say Relic is cheap. Its few times cheaper than before, but so is everything else. Relative price is the same. It was relatively cheaper for 100M before Spark nerf than now with limited way to earn gils. Before you come up with 1M per Segment run, You are in 0.1% people who get that much from Segment farm (pretty much only statics get that much). Pugs get way less and people who want to build their first REMA probably dont even do segment runs and even if they do they dont do it every day, dont reach the end often etc.

Its cheap if you have stashed 1B gil or at least few hundreds from inflation days.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-04-17 06:58:24  
SimonSes said: »
Tbh I wouldnt say Relic is cheap. Its few times cheaper than before, but so is everything else. Relative price is the same. It was relatively cheaper for 100M before Spark nerf than now with limited way to earn gils. Before you come up with 1M per Segment run, You are in 0.1% people who get that much from Segment farm (pretty much only statics get that much). Pugs get way less and people who want to build their first REMA probably dont even do segment runs and even if they do they dont do it every day, dont reach the end often etc.

Its cheap if you have stashed 1B gil or at least few hundreds from inflation days.

Good lord dude. Relic currency prices are 50% of what they were 2 months after sparks nerf. Meanwhile Heavy Metal Plates are still 75-80% of that value. Plutons are also approximately half the value, while Beitetsu remain 75% of the post-spark price.

I won't come up with 1mil segment runs. How about 500k as a number? Do that 6 times a week for 3million gil a week, plus 2 million from just selling a fill's worth of prize powders and a fill's worth of acheron shields, 5mil. That's approximately 40 100 pieces at current prices. That means in 3 weeks you've pretty much paid for all of the relic currency to make a relic, even if you do zero Ambuscade for "free" currency.

Add to this that even with current cheap prices, that its also the HTBF campaign. Talk about super easy to farm your own plutons.

Oh, and believe it or not the VAST majority of players of this game are ok using a RMEA that's not R15. There hasn't been any content released of harder difficulty since the introduction of the RP system for RMEA weapons. Most people are quite ok seeing that as a long-term project, not a requirement to just show up. So counting the cost of Swart (which is standardized across all RMEA weapons anyway) is a false comparison.

Oh- and let's not forget that if gil is truly the issue, there is no easier RMEA weapon category available to a new player without gil than a Relic. No time lockout, the least amount of game progression needed, the least competition for pops/farming. Believe it or not, a lot of people, even us old heads, still farm weapons vs just buying them.

Lastly- what would you suggest vs just bashing an idea? Dropping a few mil to farm/augment one of the suggestions I listed above, only to have that gil be literally wasted a month later? Getting an Aeonic Merc'ed? Visit another server- you'll find out that this majority you are so quick to mention above to prove your point also negates the idea of using merc services.
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-17 07:55:11  
You took it to personally or something.

I remember 200k per dynamis coins even 1 year ago. I also dont mean they are cheaper than mythic and empyrean. They are cheaper, but they are not cheap, especially for new/casual players. It might cost twice less than before Sparks nerf, but new/casual/returning players probably earn 10 times less then before sparks nerf. I can assure you that new/returning/casual player dont make even 2 segments run per week and dont make 500k per run too. There have way too much stuff to do in end game still to have time to do segments run, even when it doesnt take long. Also on Bahamut which isnt a small server now, I barely see any NA/EU shouts for Segment farming. Most are inside LS. JP shouts a lot, but they wont nonJP player join, unless maybe on brd or whm (I actually doing brd and whm on Baniak just for this reason alone).

Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Oh, and believe it or not the VAST majority of players of this game are ok using a RMEA that's not R15. There hasn't been any content released of harder difficulty since the introduction of the RP system for RMEA weapons. Most people are quite ok seeing that as a long-term project, not a requirement to just show up. So counting the cost of Swart (which is standardized across all RMEA weapons anyway) is a false comparison.

Oh- and let's not forget that if gil is truly the issue, there is no easier RMEA weapon category available to a new player without gil than a Relic. No time lockout, the least amount of game progression needed, the least competition for pops/farming. Believe it or not, a lot of people, even us old heads, still farm weapons vs just buying them.

Are you implying I dont farm or dont play with R0? :D

I self farmed (solo) 90% of all my Swarts in Omen (rest was from share loot in Dynamis). Total of 4500 Swarts now. I havent bought a single Haeavy metal/rift and I have 4 empy and materials for another 3. I self farmed at least one mythic and relic too.

Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Lastly- what would you suggest vs just bashing an idea? Dropping a few mil to farm/augment one of the suggestions I listed above, only to have that gil be literally wasted a month later? Getting an Aeonic Merc'ed? Visit another server- you'll find out that this majority you are so quick to mention above to prove your point also negates the idea of using merc services.

I dont suggest anything. Im just arguing that Relic isnt cheap. It feels cheap for us, because we remember inflation prices. If you would start playing now, with very limited way to farm gils (especially solo), you wouldnt feel its cheap. Cheaper than other options, but still not cheap. 2 years ago, even with relic costing 2-3 times more, it felt cheaper. I remember when I came back in 2018, without any job with JP I was able to solo farm 100+M in month to merc Aeneas. Now if I had no jobs with JP or REMA like back then, I wouldnt be able to make even 20M.
Posts: 1,450
By fillerbunny9 2021-04-17 11:24:06  
do people, like, throw away their bullets after they are done? between Ranger's native recycle, Scavenge, as well as how melee heavy it is becoming, are you really blowing through stacks on stacks of ammo? (serious question, because I only ever keep a single stack of ammo in my Case, but I also have all the REMA pouches eating up my inventory as well, and the only time I use them is when I am playing COR).
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2021-04-17 11:37:20  
I haven't farmed a relic since returning, but I assume with no time lockouts, building an Annihilator could be done very quickly.

Any returning player interested in ranger, I would highly recommend spending the time or gil to make one.

Even before I was able to r15 it or aquire a fomal, it was highly useful in clearing content like Omen and soloing Lilith with ease.

Also, a naegling even paired with a blurred knife +1 will be serviceable for clearing group content that primarily buff for melee only. Hell, my sheol group let me go SB ranger to bumba and even without a sub to offhand KC we still cleared it easily.

Personally, for most events, I use savage blade which requires no REMA, its a very solid option to start with if you are starting from scratch.
Posts: 1,450
By fillerbunny9 2021-04-17 12:32:44  
Bahamut.Greyfawkz said: »
I haven't farmed a relic since returning, but I assume with no time lockouts, building an Annihilator could be done very quickly.

Any returning player interested in ranger, I would highly recommend spending the time or gil to make one.

Even before I was able to r15 it or aquire a fomal, it was highly useful in clearing content like Omen and soloing Lilith with ease.

Also, a naegling even paired with a blurred knife +1 will be serviceable for clearing group content that primarily buff for melee only. Hell, my sheol group let me go SB ranger to bumba and even without a sub to offhand KC we still cleared it easily.

Personally, for most events, I use savage blade which requires no REMA, its a very solid option to start with if you are starting from scratch.
I made a Yoichi last weekend (gotta catch 'em all...) and it was exceedingly simple. the cost is somewhere around 35 mill here, or was last week, and while that sounds like a lot, between Sparks and just selling Plates/Dross/Cinder, you will get that in 2 months, doing nothing else, as well as the currency rains from the sky when actually IN Dynamis (I walked out with ~30 of each single plus a 100 Byne just from going in to get a Relic Bow). there's little reason I cannot see even a Sparks geared player to easily obtain one (mindlessly boring, perhaps, but far from difficult) - mostly it just comes down to needing to level THF to 99 and DNC to 49.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1,006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2021-04-17 14:07:58  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Bismarck.Nyaarun said: »
Tbh i wish theyd have just made a voluspa pouch/quiver dispenser and just have it cost 1k points so non rema chars can have an unlimited ammo supply. It is fairly frustrating starting up an alt character for other jobs your main has no inventory for, and having very limited options for ranged ammo barring waiting for fomal. Even if its not that difficult to obtain for players with capable LSs, they did try to improve new player experiences... ranged ammo is one of the outdated things that just needs to be solved already.

Kinda confused about this. you can take any purchasable ammo that's quiverable and get it converted from stacks into quivers/pouches for a flower, and immediately your problems of inventory (at least related to ammo) are solved.

Also, there is a legitimate argument these days that one shouldn't even be bringing a Ranger to an endgame event without a RMEA weapon. We're lucky that one of our relics is still extremely relevant (Annihilator) and they're so cheap to make these days, that even if you don't have easy access to building an Aeonic you can have a high end weapon in less than a month. Sure, there are marginally workable non-RMEA weapons (Holliday, Doomsday come to mind), but by the time you farm one and get workable augments, all that time and gil could have been spent on currency for a Relic or farming Empyrean items.

This is not coming from some elitist place. Its coming from a desire to see people who play Ranger get to enjoy it, and honestly it can be a pretty frustrating experience compared to other DD jobs without high end weaponry. You're probably better off just building a Savage Blade RNG with a Naegling until you have a RMEA bow or gun.

You cannot easily obtain non 119 ammo unless you are on asura. The only ammo available reliably is volupsa, which is capped at ~1stack/day. Ranger can arguably get mileage with it via scavenge, but cor has difficulty getting through any event on just 99 ammo.

There is no argument that a rema weapon is required before a job is viable. Anyone making that argument has no place in game design, full stop.

I have ranger decked out, with every gun rema but arma finished, and a decked out savage naeg set as well. I stated this primarily because it was relevant and im currently gearing up a cor, which still has the same issue i had years ago getting ranger up and going; youre literally just not viable until you get a rema weapon entirely because you have no reliable access to usable ammo before then. There is a non rema ammo issue that needs to be addressed.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: duo1666
Posts: 1,006
By Bismarck.Nyaarun 2021-04-17 14:14:55  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
I won't come up with 1mil segment runs. How about 500k as a number? Do that 6 times a week for 3million gil a week, plus 2 million from just selling a fill's worth of prize powders and a fill's worth of acheron shields, 5mil. That's approximately 40 100 pieces at current prices. That means in 3 weeks you've pretty much paid for all of the relic currency to make a relic, even if you do zero Ambuscade for "free" currency.

Thats nice. 3 weeks gets you a relic weapon. Except you also need to fund the rest of your gear, not just a weapon. And, again, the biggest reason you need a relic weapon is for the ammo itself, as you dont have access to consistent 119 ammo before then. If im war, i can just get myself any other GA, or axe, or GS. Hell, i can get an NQ montante and be fine. Fully functional. Just gotta build the gear for it. Ranger/cor needs to invest in a weapon BEFORE their gear investments can be used. Its backwards to how it is supposed to be.

Also, your assumptions that pugs are getting ~500k/run is quite high. My group nets ~700k+, but many other, newer groups i see are lucky to get a consistent 300k. Pug groups would be even lower, especially non rema.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Andret
Posts: 1,008
By Leviathan.Andret 2021-04-17 18:27:06  
Yeah, I think 300k is more consistent. It's free gil however so it's pretty nice actually.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Kido
Posts: 50
By Asura.Jackflashh 2021-04-18 01:45:09  
Anyone have any helpful tips on how to get the most out of Emp AM3 exploit on Dyna W2 boss? I finished my Arma R15, ran out and tested it unbuffed on 99 mobs, was hitting 17k crits and was all excited to see that push past 20k to melt W2 boss. Only to test it tonight on Fii Pexu, and see nothing higher than 3-5k crits.

Was extremely underwhelming compared to what I'd heard it could do, so I'm curious if it was a ranged problem, or buff problem, or if I just had too high of expectations.

We had mins/frailty etc, I was standing in true shot range. Not sure if I should adjust to be max distance and stand with mages, or what other groups are doing.

On a happier side note: I then went on to drop 23m total dmg from W2 NM's through W3 boss, so Rng is still king.
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-18 05:20:17  
This nm has strong def buff (you need to dispel it) and geomancy is nerfed by 50 or 75%, so you was maybe far from attack cap if you haven't used dispel and haven't used bolster idris with dia II and possibly other def down source.
Posts: 167
By Veydal1 2021-04-18 14:21:17  
Make sure you're comparing like-for-like. The wave 2 NM is level 139.

You'll find it difficult to be attack capped unless you get the full gambit of defense down / attack up effects -
Minuets / Chaos / Fury
Defense down (angon / armor break / ageha / bst)
Box steps
Frailty (even though it's nerfed in dynamis)

A level 99 mob will have significantly less defense, plus pdif will be easier to cap due to being level 99 vs 139.

Also as mentioned, you'll want to remove the defense bonus from the NM whenever it goes up.
Posts: 234
By GwenStacy 2021-04-22 15:23:50  
hey does anyone have an updated RNG GS? Mines incredibly outdated
Posts: 4
By Negas 2021-04-25 01:40:52  
What's your take on Gleti's Crossbow for Trueflight?
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-25 02:33:28  
Negas said: »
What's your take on Gleti's Crossbow for Trueflight?

If you don't have Fomal or Armageddon, then maybe. Not sure how non Rema guns would compare.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-04-25 03:07:46  
SimonSes said: »
Negas said: »
What's your take on Gleti's Crossbow for Trueflight?

If you don't have Fomal or Armageddon, then maybe. Not sure how non Rema guns would compare.

I find a lot of RNGs first think that crossbows are different than guns. Both are Marksmanship, and share all the same WSs. The only difference is ammo, and stat enfeebling ammo isn't as commonly used these days as it was at 75 cap. Sure, Abrasion Bolts are a great addition if missing a -def down source, but poison/blind bolts are incredibly underwhelming- they've even lost a lot of their punch while solo due to trusts.

In terms of the Gleti's Crossbow- I'd be curious to see if even a properly augmented Doomsday would out-perform it for Trueflight/Wildfire. It could be a nice option if doing self chains of Last Stand>Trueflight as it should have respectable Last Stand numbers in the Crossbow world.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,872
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2021-04-26 12:56:22  
If you're talking about just Trueflight/Wildfire, I'd guess doomsday would slightly win in general.

We're talking perfect augments, 25 mab, 7% WSD, 23 agi. I think it falls apart though the minute you start talking about other WS.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2021-04-26 16:13:21  
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
In terms of the Gleti's Crossbow- I'd be curious to see if even a properly augmented Doomsday would out-perform it for Trueflight/Wildfire.

Cerberus.Shadowmeld said: »
If you're talking about just Trueflight/Wildfire, I'd guess doomsday would slightly win in general.

We're talking perfect augments, 25 mab, 7% WSD, 23 agi. I think it falls apart though the minute you start talking about other WS.

yeah. Kinda was talking exclusively about TF/WF.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: dropy
Posts: 45
By Asura.Kendlar 2021-04-28 04:11:27

"The biggest adjustment comes for rangers. Many of you have commented that rangers feel a little bit weak as far as ranged attackers go, and after careful consideration we reached the conclusion that our upcoming job progression systems alone would be insufficient to solve this issue.
As such, we’re adding a new ability, Hover Shot. While I’ll leave the details for you to read in the version update information, the basic gist is that rangers will be gaining the ability to get increased damage when they move after making a ranged attack."
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-28 04:24:26  
Sounds like the stupidest idea ever for ffxi. Probably some genius from ffxiv made it up. If rng will move, then he can't shoot because it interrupt aiming. Since aiming and shooting on rng takes very short amount of time now, buff to ranged damage would need to be like 100% per 5 yalms you move because running 5 yalms pretty much takes as much time as shooting another round.

Seriously sounds like most useless ability ever. I guess it will be okish if you move from camp to camp or from mob to mob, but it would need to have 100% uptime to make it any significant. The only cool thing I can imagine with it, relic proc barrage screenshots worthy damage after running around for 20 sec to boost your shooting power (sounds stupid af lol)
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Jakey
Posts: 300
By Quetzalcoatl.Jakey 2021-04-28 04:40:51  
only way I could see maybe using it is if they made it work on ws since those don't interrupt like normal ranged attacks but it would have to be pretty strong if they want us to waste time moving around constantly.
Posts: 9,213
By SimonSes 2021-04-28 04:51:04  
Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: »
only way I could see maybe using it is if they made it work on ws since those don't interrupt like normal ranged attacks but it would have to be pretty strong if they want us to waste time moving around constantly.

It that work on WS, you would melee the mob running around it, then use ranged WS rofl.
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