You'll Shoot Your Eye Out! - New FFXI RNG Guide
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 249
By Cerberus.Dekar 2023-01-22 23:17:08
There are the ones that I could find. A few more listed
Addendum: Black/White pass enmity cap with Arbatel Gown +3 (-28). Tranquility / Equanimity (SCH) Muted Soul (DRK) are also -10~50 separately.
I've always wondered about the Amini Gapette and Double Shot. The -50+ always seemed weird to me.
By Nehot 2023-01-23 11:59:14
I've always wondered about the Amini Gapette and Double Shot. The -50+ always seemed weird to me.
According to BG this piece surpasses the -50 enmity rule and is calculated at the end.
From bg wiki:
Enmity Gain
Enmity generated can be directly modified by a variety of gear, some Spells, and Job Abilities/Job Traits. In these cases, "Enmity +1" results in +1% Enmity generated, while "Enmity -1" results in -1% Enmity generated.
For gear, these effects cap at +200 Enmity and -50 Enmity, so you can triple or halve the Enmity that your actions have, respectively.
Job Ability Enmity changes are applied in a separate step from gear, and are not subject to these caps.
Sorry but does this mean that you can have -enmity beyond the -50 cap on gear with hovershot? Because I was looking into -enmity with hovershot the other day and this was all I could find. Just want to be sure that I am taking what bg wiki said correctly. Thanks.
According to above ranger can reach -100 enmity through the -50 cap on gear and the -50 on Hover shot, and then even more with camo. What has me wondering is if you can stack -100 enmity (-100%) why do we still pull hate? There has to be some amount of diminishing returns or there is a hard cap with a combo of gear/ja enmity.
Or does the above act as a secondary calculation? As in if you did an action that pulled 1000 enmity the -50 gear enmity kicks in and drops it to 500 AND THEN the JA -enmity kicks in for lets say -50 again which results in 250 enmity generated from that action? And same as the Amini Gapette +3 which for a double shot would reduced the enmity by 58 after gear and JA resulting in 105 enmity generated from that single action that would have generated 1000.
I may have answered my own question but just making sure i am reading this correctly.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10,481
By Ramuh.Austar 2023-01-23 12:40:46
probably works like tranquil heart if it does go past the gear cap
By suuhja 2023-01-25 10:19:13
Is not having Weatherspoon/+1 ring a huge detriment to Trueflight damage?
How good or bad of an idea is that?
Remove the ring that it would replace and trueflight. Then add 10 or 11% to that number and you know what your trueflights would do with an adoulin ring.
Whether that's worth it is up to you.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-01-25 10:40:11
No one can completely tell you the "right" Adoulin Ring to get...its a lot easier to get answers to "Adoulin Rings not to get".
Is the 18% mvt speed ring worth it? Maybe. It certainly simplifies life for many, esp for the multiboxers out there (at least that's who I see espouse its greatness the most).
Do you have a finished crafting shield? Well, then no one would ever fault you for getting the crafting ring. Without the shield, many might question the decision, but if that's your future in FFXI, its not a "bad" move.
How often do you get to RNG? Or do you have a Crocea RDM build plus a RNG, and the Weatherspoon all of a sudden has a lot more functionality?
I still wish SE had made the reward for finishing "The Ygnas Directive" being you can select two rings vs +1'ing a single one.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,949
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2023-01-25 10:55:11
Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »How often do you get to RNG? Or do you have a Crocea RDM build plus a RNG, and the Weatherspoon all of a sudden has a lot more functionality?
Forgive my ignorance but how would ring help here? /run for enlight damage? edit: it just dawned on me, would it be Seraph Blade?
Only real reason i would want movement ring would be to simplify movement on all jobs. I only play one char and I can get some form of movement on all the jobs i play currently but would be sacrificing a iLV slot and since DT is more important now. Just rabbit holes i go down sometimes.
Light MAB for Seraph Blade and Trueflight
By Nariont 2023-01-25 11:03:01
Only real reason i would want movement ring would be to simplify movement on all jobs. I only play one char and I can get some form of movement on all the jobs i play currently but would be sacrificing a iLV slot and since DT is more important now. Just rabbit holes i go down sometimes.
Personal opinion is that the craft/mov rings are the only real picks anymore, gear has largely replaced most of the others if they didnt already, weatherspoon is really the only hold out that also doubles as a good fast cast ring. But as cele said, it's really what you value out of them
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-01-25 11:03:30
I do get the frustration of several jobs being stuck with Herald's Gaiters, Danzo Sune-Ate as their only non-reward Ring option. I really did expect the last few jobs to get 18% on one of their empy+3 pieces, because you are VERY right....lack of an iLvl piece of armor with relevant HP/MP/Def/Meva hurts sets.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-01-25 11:16:28
Cohort Cloak+1(r15) should easily out-perform non-augmented Nyame Head/Body. You can make up the +WSD with JSE gear like Empy Feet and Relic Legs, and Carmine+1 hands definitely beat no-aug Nyame Hands.
Functionality/taking over BiS prob starts happening around r15-18, outside of some really good DM aug Herc gear from a bygone era.
By Nariont 2023-01-25 15:11:10
Not to derail RNG forum anymore than i should but to be clear i do have movement+18 on i119 pieces for the jobs i play. It is that those pieces are things like GEO/THF AF +3, or Carmine +1. However they dont offer things like -DT. Apologies if i am over thinking this.
For the jobs that have a 119 version like thf/rng/geo/brd/carmine jobs its not that big a deal since DT is pretty easy to cap out, losing out more on meva/def than anything but if you play;
war/mnk/sam/nin/dnc/pup/sch/whm/blm/smn/bst. Well, outta luck iirc, heck chunk of those are still stuck at 12% but still stuck with a 75~99 piece of gear there.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-01-29 18:03:13
Been playing with Kclub/Nusku recently and just wondering when and where should i be trying to use kclub/shield or Perun/kclub? Should be dual Malevolence when doing TF?
Just trying to see when and where it would fit in. Thanks.
Kclub is a very fun option/toy, but the only times I find it to be the overwhelming factor people talk about it being is in a Naegling/Kclub/TPbonus Bow/DI Arrow weapon setup for Savage Spam. Sure, I use it also sometimes with Tauret/Kclub/Gastra setup, esp when ML'ing. I just personally despise mainhand Malevolence when meleeing. But in terms of Perun/Kclub, I can't think of ever wanting that setup.
Certainly others who have had longer times to play with one than I have will have better comments, so I await those with you.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Nalfey 2023-01-29 19:54:54
About the Adoulin ring, I personally use Thurandaut +1 for BST and PUP.
But I’ve been playing RNG in Sortie since it came out and I mainly use Trueflight in there (except B and F bosses) and even without Weatherspoon ring I do cap damage 99k + 99k Light SC most of the time. (I’m using Nyame R25 + Tauret/Kclub when melee and Tauret/Malevolence when range)
Same for MLvl parties, 99k most of the time when fully buffed for magic dmg COR + GEO.
So really once you have Nyame R25, I wouldn’t suggest keeping weatherspoon if it’s only for RNG and Trueflight.
It’s still great for BST Primal Rend as I do find it harder to hit cap damage without it.
But for RDM Seraph blade I’ve seen plenty of 99k in magical Mlvl parties from people with Nyame R25 + Crocea/Daybreak as well without Weatherspoon.
(It’s also still great for fastcast on all jobs though.)
By SimonSes 2023-01-30 05:36:52
I mean there is plenty of situation where you wont have GEO and then you wont be doing capped damage with neither of those WSs (unless target takes some extra magic/light damage).
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 114
By Asura.Nalfey 2023-01-30 16:18:25
/comfort, sorry that you don 't have any friends
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2,315
By Bahamut.Negan 2023-01-30 16:25:09
/comfort, sorry that you don 't have any friends S'ok, I have much better conversations now.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,834
By Phoenix.Iocus 2023-01-30 16:35:47
If your Ring choice doesn't wow you, you picked the wrong one for you.
RNG forum is generally bickering free, feel free to keep it that way
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 20
By Asura.Zacheus 2023-01-31 09:46:34
Does the double shot enmity- from empy head work with overkill? Or is it only when double shot is actually active?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 493
By Asura.Clintbeastwood 2023-02-01 15:32:22
Started using a similar set to this, but if i wanted to DW with kclub, should I even bother? If yes then what would be a good TP set? Thanks.
I'm using this for my dual wield naegling/kclub setup:
head="Malignance Chapeau",
body="Malignance Tabard",
hands="Malignance Gloves",
legs="Malignance Tights",
feet="Malignance Boots",
neck="Iskur Gorget",
waist="Kentarch Belt +1",
left_ear="Crep. Earring",
right_ear="Telos Earring",
left_ring="Chirich Ring +1",
right_ring="Chirich Ring +1",
back="Belenus's Cape",
I've never been a huge fan of dedition, -20 potential acc never seemed worth the +3 STP to me, unless you're doing straight trash content I guess.
If you really wanted to, I think you can slip Suppanomimi in there to hit the next dual wield tier, assuming capped magic haste.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1,828
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2023-02-02 00:51:04
ItemSet 373547
Taking a look at the Kraken Club TP set from the guide, would swapping Dedition Earring for Crepuscular Earring be a bigger benefit in content that mattered? Or does 3 STP make that much of a difference over 20 net accuracy? I would think accuracy reigns supreme with the lower club skill and non-ilevel-ness of it all.
Started using a similar set to this, but if i wanted to DW with kclub, should I even bother? If yes then what would be a good TP set? Thanks.
99% of RNGs with a Kclub when dual-wielding just put DW+10 on their ambu cape and live with being 1 under the 11 for cap haste situations.
In terms of acc swaps, I live just fine with using Combatant's over Iskur and Crep over Dedition. I can live with a net 7 STP loss for a gain of around 45 acc between the two slots.
By SimonSes 2023-02-02 03:49:34
Sure, but imo the combo of Kraken and Malignanace is whats gamebraking for savage build on rng. That arrow is cherry on top.
So you just go full Malignance and offhand a kclub?
Well probably something like this:
ItemSet 370563
This is a set I posted over 3 years ago and I think it's still good balance of acc, stp and even has 46 Subtle blow with /nin.
That being said I would probably present this set differenctly now and start with set that doesn't care about accuracy first
ItemSet 389635
Then accuracy swaps that I would do (in order from best to worse I guess):
Malignance hands -> Amini hands -1stp +7acc 1:7ratio
Iskur -> Erudite -2stp +10acc 1:5 ratio
Dedition -> Dignitary -5stp +20acc 1:4 ratio
Dignitary -> Odr or jse+2 -3sTP +7.5-10acc 1:2.5-3.3 ratio
Sweord belt -> Olseni and Amini legs -> Malignance (this cant be done independently, because of haste loss) -5stp +7acc 1:1.4 ratio
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 627
By Asura.Melliny 2023-02-02 05:34:51
This is my default K club setup. Works wonders in segs and dynamis. I've opted for a more balanced set of attributes here. Like simon mentioned, since the empyrean legs are lacking in haste you can't swap them in for malignance without compensating for that somewhere, so I'm using the same belt he recommends. But I've added some extra accuracy in the accessory slots, and I prefer empyrean gloves over malignance as well. They have higher accuracy than malignance, and you only lose out on 1 sTP. I find the tradeoffs to be worth it. The build is pretty stable and I rarely find myself needing to swap in gazu or the like on any content I'd actually use it on.
ItemSet 389639