subtle blow is useful. safer and easier than zerging.
To help you out, we will start from this post.
I disagree. I don't think drawing fights out in time is any safer than zerging past the mechanics in 20 seconds. Particularly in fights like Schah.
On every fight, there is an easy way to ignore the TP moves besides SB. That is why I disagree with your SB idea being safer. Bolster Vex/Attunement/Barspells and I can't even remember the last time a bad enfeeble ruined a run. You are not the only one with close to 100% success on your fights.
As far as easier, I thinking beating something in 20-60 seconds is less effort than spending a couple minutes killing something. If you think more time to accomplish the same goal is easier. THen idk if we can argue lol. Cuz I don't
You are actually trying to argue a subjective point as if it were an undisputable fact. Your idea of "Safer and Easier" is not the same as everyone elses. Many people think sam/mnk/drg/drg/war is far superior to mnk/war/sam/drg/drk for most fights and they have good arguments. They all have good points.
As far as SB being useful. That was never up for debate.
You changed the goal posts though with the
'if i wasn't "over geared"'
I rebuked that arguement with the fact that you don't need to be nearly as geared as I am to do the fights the way I think is easiest.
I also contend that SB is more useful in certain fights and not much of a benefit in others. I would further argue that most fights arn't dangerous so making them safe is a waste of time.
More than anything, SB fights are super boring to me. To make them work well you basically have to have 1 DD doing all the fun stuff with everyone else sitting there. Full on zergs are way more fun, you get everyone involved. Bards and cors didn't make the BIS TP/WS set to watch someone else have fun