If there's an infinite amount of things you could reapply your skills and knowledge to then there are infinite amounts of things that people could be working on.
Technically, yes. Just like there is a near limitless amount of things to research. However, businesses can't afford to employ a limitless amount of employees.
This implies a massive shortage in statisticians.
That's not what it implies, but we're getting there....
If the demand so far outstripped the supply the salaries would be much higher and then more people would be interested in working in said fields.
Well, you have articles like this:
Statistician is one of the fastest-growing jobs for the future
Which base that on data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics:
Mathematicians and Statisticians
That being said, demand does not always equal high salaries. It certainly helps, but you're not going to get instantly rich off of any of the top ten fastest growing jobs listed in the Quartz article.