XivParty - Party List Addon for Windower 4
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-07-31 17:04:34
Hello everyone!
XivParty is a party list replacement inspired by the Final Fantasy XIV user interface. I created this, because healing a party meant staring at a tiny box at the bottom right of the screen, especially on 1440p and higher resolutions. It is mostly useful for healers and support jobs to have a good overview of the party, or in general if you like pretty UIs. :3
Download the latest release and extract it to Windower4/addons
Load using "//lua load xivparty" in the chat window
To load the addon automatically when the game starts, edit Windower4/scripts/init.txt and add "lua load xivparty" at the end
RECOMMENDED: Download and install the free font "Grammara" for a more authentic FF14 look of the numbers. Right click the downloaded TTF file and select "Install". Restart Windower afterwards, or it won't find the newly installed font.
The full list of commands can be found in the readme on GitHub or by typing "//xp help".
Change the appearance of the UI by switching between layouts (skins) using the "layout" command. For example: "//xp layout ffxi". The following is a list of all currently available layouts that come with the addon.
xiv - The default layout in the style of FFXIV with some tweaks.
xiv2 - Closer to the original FFXIV party list. No TP bar, no MP or names in alliance.
ffxi - A variant of the default skin with an FFXI background and colors.
ffxi2 - Similar to the original FFXI party list. Buffs extend to the left. Can be used to cover the original UI if you toggle "//xp alignbottom" on.
Setup Mode
You can position and scale the UI in-game using drag & drop and the mouse wheel. Use the command "//xp setup" to toggle on the setup mode which displays a full alliance of fake party members. This mode is also useful to test out custom layouts you are creating!
Range Indication
The distance to party members is indicated by dimming their HP bars in two stages: out of standard casting range (~20.8) and out of targeting range (50).
There is also a customizable range indicator useful when casting aoe buffs. Set a near and an optional far distance with the "range" command. A filled icon (near) or a hollow icon (far) will appear below the HP bar of any party member in range. The main player will always have the icon displayed when the feature is active. Set the range to "off" or "0" to disable.
Buff Filters
When the UI gets too cluttered with buff icons, you can set filters to only show or hide certain buffs. Use the command "filter add [ID]" to add a buff to the filter list. The buff IDs can be found in bufforder.lua or in-game using the "buffs" command, which shows the current buff IDs of a party member. The filter list works in "blacklist" mode by default, meaning any added buffs are hidden. You can switch the mode to "whitelist" to only display buffs that are on the filter list instead. Filters can also be set up separately for each job, see below for details.
Custom Buff Order
By default buffs are sorted debuffs first, then buffs by various categories. This can be disabled to revert back to the game's original order, which is sometimes random and based on when the buff was added to the game.
You can customize the sorting order by editing the file bufforder.lua. Just reorder the lines of the list. Do not change the IDs. The name strings are not used by the addon and are only there for readability. Save the file as UTF-8 without BOM or ANSI (however this will destroy the Japanese translations).
Job Specific Settings
Can be toggled separately for each job using the "job" command. While on a job with enabled job specific settings, the following commands will only affect the settings of that job: range, filter, customOrder. Switching jobs will automatically apply a job's specific settings, or the global settings when none present or disabled.
Hiding the UI
The UI can be automatically hidden in certain situations: while you are not in a party (solo) or during cutscenes. This behavior can be configured using in-game commands. The UI is always hidden while zoning.
In addition, you can hold down the "End" key on your keyboard to temporarily hide the UI. This can be useful while reading the expanded chat log, currently there is no way to detect the expanded log to hide automatically. This hotkey can be changed to any other key by manually setting the "hideKeyCode" parameter in your data/settings.xml to the desired DirectInput key code.
Creating Custom Layouts
Layouts consist of XML files in the XivParty/layouts directory and image files in XivParty/assets. Values defining positions, sizes, image paths, fonts and colors of various UI elements can be set in the XML files, so editing the LUA files should not be necessary to customize the look of the UI.
For more details on creating layouts, check out the readme on GitHub.
Credits and thanks to SirEdeonX whose xivbar addon I used as a base for an early prototype, KenshiDRK for the buffs code and icons and the Windower team!
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-07-31 17:55:51
I'm on a mission of changing my whole games UI and seeing this is like an early Christmas gift. Thank you!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 765
By Asura.Lunafreya 2020-07-31 18:04:53
This is cleannnnn. Good work.
By Taint 2020-07-31 18:16:52
Very nice!!
By Aerison 2020-07-31 18:19:23
Looks really nice, is there anyway to resize it?
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-07-31 18:43:45
Great addon, thank you!
I tried downloading the font, installing it, but when I try to load the addon, it still shows the default value (even after I renamed the font in the layout.lua file to Grammara). What am I doing wrong?
edit: just tried other fonts and they work fine.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 117
By Carbuncle.Razziel 2020-07-31 19:21:13
resizing would be great, amazing work.
By Bismarck.Ringoko 2020-07-31 21:19:46
This looks really nice!
Adding color coding for the HP/MP/TP bars would be nifty!
By Rhinos 2020-07-31 21:55:58
This is excellent. Great work!
Would it be possible to have a cursor display when selecting sub-targets? (<stpt>)
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Elesar 2020-08-01 06:47:25
This is awesome. Thank you for creating this.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 09:16:19
Quote: Looks really nice, is there anyway to resize it? There is no easy way to resize it currently. Everything but the texts are fixed size images. I will try looking into scaling the images in code, but can't make any promises when or if this will be done.
Quote: I tried downloading the font, installing it, but when I try to load the addon, it still shows the default value (even after I renamed the font in the layout.lua file to Grammara). What am I doing wrong? You need to restart Windower for it to detect any newly installed fonts. Maybe even a full windows restart is necessary, not sure.
Quote: Would it be possible to have a cursor display when selecting sub-targets? (<stpt>) There is an extra cursor for sub-targets, it is half transparent.
By Wotasu 2020-08-01 09:38:57
Looks fantastic! Any easy way for a noob to disable the Tp bar c.c?
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 291
By Shiva.Kasaioni 2020-08-01 10:10:15
Can I just click on people's names on the list like in FFXIV to target them?
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 11:12:10
Looks fantastic! Any easy way for a noob to disable the Tp bar c.c? No easy way, sorry. But if you really want to do this, edit listitem.lua and remove every line that mentions 'tpBar' and 'tpText'.
Can I just click on people's names on the list like in FFXIV to target them? Not at the moment, but it should be fairly easy to add. I will consider this for a future update.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Elesar 2020-08-01 11:14:04
In the preview picture it displays numbers under each of the bars. For some reason, the numbers don't load when I use XIVParty.
By Aerison 2020-08-01 11:34:03
In the preview picture it displays numbers under each of the bars. For some reason, the numbers don't load when I use XIVParty.
Might have to move the addon around a bit, the HP/MP/TP were way off to the left of the addon.
By Aricomfy 2020-08-01 12:18:20
In the preview picture it displays numbers under each of the bars. For some reason, the numbers don't load when I use XIVParty.
//xp move on
Enables dragging with the mouse. The numbers were very offset to the left for me as well. Open the XivParty folder and open Layout.lua. Find the following section that I've spoilered below inside the lua.
layout.text.numbers = {}
layout.text.numbers.font = 'Grammara'
layout.text.numbers.size = 12
layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2
layout.text.numbers.offsetY = 28
Change the value in the line "layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2" to correct the offset issue. In my particular case, I had to increase it from 2 to 859 for example.
I really like what this addon can do. It couples very well with the stna addon and a yagrush whm since it shows all ailments on everyone without having to target them to see it. Like others have mentioned, the ability to more easily be able to resize this addon would be perfect.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 12:41:48
Hmmm sounds like a few people are having this issue with the offset numbers. The texts for numbers are right-aligned and windower seemed to expect coordinates from the right side of the screen for them. I got the screen resolution from the windower API but maybe it gives me bad values in some cases.
//xp move on
Enables dragging with the mouse. The numbers were very offset to the left for me as well. Open the XivParty folder and open Layout.lua. Find the following section that I've spoilered below inside the lua.
layout.text.numbers = {}
layout.text.numbers.font = 'Grammara'
layout.text.numbers.size = 12
layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2
layout.text.numbers.offsetY = 28
Change the value in the line "layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2" to correct the offset issue. In my particular case, I had to increase it from 2 to 859 for example.
Yes, this will do as a workaround until I figured out what the problem is. Can anyone give me more details about their setup when this occurs? Resolution used, windowed mode, multibox, anything like that.
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 32
By Bahamut.Elesar 2020-08-01 12:48:18
Hmmm sounds like a few people are having this issue with the offset numbers. The texts for numbers are right-aligned and windower seemed to expect coordinates from the right side of the screen for them. I got the screen resolution from the windower API but maybe it gives me bad values in some cases.
//xp move on
Enables dragging with the mouse. The numbers were very offset to the left for me as well. Open the XivParty folder and open Layout.lua. Find the following section that I've spoilered below inside the lua.
layout.text.numbers = {}
layout.text.numbers.font = 'Grammara'
layout.text.numbers.size = 12
layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2
layout.text.numbers.offsetY = 28
Change the value in the line "layout.text.numbers.offsetX = 2" to correct the offset issue. In my particular case, I had to increase it from 2 to 859 for example.
Yes, this will do as a workaround until I figured out what the problem is. Can anyone give me more details about their setup when this occurs? Resolution used, windowed mode, multibox, anything like that.
My current resolution is 3840 x 2160 full screen, single monitor. Aricomfy's solution worked for me. I changed the x position to 1920.
By Aricomfy 2020-08-01 12:53:42
Can anyone give me more details about their setup when this occurs? Resolution used, windowed mode, multibox, anything like that.
Resolution: 2560, 1440p
Window Mode: Windowed
UI Scale: 1.5x
Just added UI Scale in there just in case, you never know. 2 monitors, but using 1 character, I don't think it's a monitor issue though. I feel like it's a conflict in resolution.
Guildwork Premium
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 227
By Asura.Icilies 2020-08-01 12:54:09
Sub targeting not working for me. I use stal commands to tab through Alliance. Any way to make this work?
Edit- stpc works but not stal to tab though party and alliance
By Heghmoh 2020-08-01 13:56:12
any chance you could include an option to make the partylist populate bottom to top? So if there is one party member it can be positioned at the bottom of the screen, then fill upward as member are added?
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 33
By Asura.Karumac 2020-08-01 13:59:13
Quote: Would it be possible to have a cursor display when selecting sub-targets? (<stpt>) There is an extra cursor for sub-targets, it is half transparent.
No, it does not do the ghost cursor if you use <stpt> to put a cursor on the party list.
It does do the ghost cursor if you do something like <stpc> where the blue sub-target arrow appears over people's heads.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 15:02:18
Thanks all for the feedback. I will take a look at the offset and subtarget issues asap.
any chance you could include an option to make the partylist populate bottom to top? So if there is one party member it can be positioned at the bottom of the screen, then fill upward as member are added? I'd rather not add this, because the order would not match the vanilla party list, and using gamepad targeting with d-pad up/down would be reverse.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Odin.Naytan 2020-08-01 15:10:54
Thanks all for the feedback. I will take a look at the offset and subtarget issues asap.
any chance you could include an option to make the partylist populate bottom to top? So if there is one party member it can be positioned at the bottom of the screen, then fill upward as member are added? I'd rather not add this, because the order would not match the vanilla party list, and using gamepad targeting with d-pad up/down would be reverse. Well order could still be the same, put it would extended the size of addon upwards rather than downwards. Dunno if that's possible since things are usual pos by top left.
By Heghmoh 2020-08-01 15:57:08
=I'd rather not add this, because the order would not match the vanilla party list, and using gamepad targeting with d-pad up/down would be reverse.
could it not just populate the same order, but bump number one upward a spot instead? may be more complicated coding it, i just prefer it to be justified to the bottom of my screen so that when i have less than a full party its not floating in the middle.
edit: great looking by the way, and I guess I could just manually reposition based on composition, just a little QoL thing if its possible.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 16:25:26
could it not just populate the same order, but bump number one upward a spot instead? may be more complicated coding it, i just prefer it to be justified to the bottom of my screen so that when i have less than a full party its not floating in the middle. Oh right, yea that would be possible. I'll add it to my list of feature requests.
サーバ: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Ragnarok.Tylas 2020-08-01 16:47:40
Resolution: 2560, 1440p
Window Mode: Windowed
UI Scale: 1.5x
Just added UI Scale in there just in case, you never know. 2 monitors, but using 1 character, I don't think it's a monitor issue though. I feel like it's a conflict in resolution. The UI scale was the culprit, pushed a fix for the offset numbers to Github.
By Aricomfy 2020-08-01 17:35:31
The UI scale was the culprit Nice, I only mentioned UI scale because I know it also affected the size and position of FFXIDB's minimap. Glad it's getting worked out.
By Gnargnar 2020-08-02 03:26:17
It looks so pretty. Good work and thank you!
Hello everyone!
XivParty is a party list replacement inspired by the Final Fantasy XIV user interface. I created this, because healing a party meant staring at a tiny box at the bottom right of the screen, especially on 1440p and higher resolutions. It is mostly useful for healers and support jobs to have a good overview of the party, or in general if you like pretty UIs. :3
Download the latest release and extract it to Windower4/addons
Load using "//lua load xivparty" in the chat window
To load the addon automatically when the game starts, edit Windower4/scripts/init.txt and add "lua load xivparty" at the end
RECOMMENDED: Download and install the free font "Grammara" for a more authentic FF14 look of the numbers. Right click the downloaded TTF file and select "Install". Restart Windower afterwards, or it won't find the newly installed font.
The full list of commands can be found in the readme on GitHub or by typing "//xp help".
Change the appearance of the UI by switching between layouts (skins) using the "layout" command. For example: "//xp layout ffxi". The following is a list of all currently available layouts that come with the addon.
xiv - The default layout in the style of FFXIV with some tweaks.
xiv2 - Closer to the original FFXIV party list. No TP bar, no MP or names in alliance.
ffxi - A variant of the default skin with an FFXI background and colors.
ffxi2 - Similar to the original FFXI party list. Buffs extend to the left. Can be used to cover the original UI if you toggle "//xp alignbottom" on.
Setup Mode
You can position and scale the UI in-game using drag & drop and the mouse wheel. Use the command "//xp setup" to toggle on the setup mode which displays a full alliance of fake party members. This mode is also useful to test out custom layouts you are creating!
Range Indication
The distance to party members is indicated by dimming their HP bars in two stages: out of standard casting range (~20.8) and out of targeting range (50).
There is also a customizable range indicator useful when casting aoe buffs. Set a near and an optional far distance with the "range" command. A filled icon (near) or a hollow icon (far) will appear below the HP bar of any party member in range. The main player will always have the icon displayed when the feature is active. Set the range to "off" or "0" to disable.
Buff Filters
When the UI gets too cluttered with buff icons, you can set filters to only show or hide certain buffs. Use the command "filter add [ID]" to add a buff to the filter list. The buff IDs can be found in bufforder.lua or in-game using the "buffs" command, which shows the current buff IDs of a party member. The filter list works in "blacklist" mode by default, meaning any added buffs are hidden. You can switch the mode to "whitelist" to only display buffs that are on the filter list instead. Filters can also be set up separately for each job, see below for details.
Custom Buff Order
By default buffs are sorted debuffs first, then buffs by various categories. This can be disabled to revert back to the game's original order, which is sometimes random and based on when the buff was added to the game.
You can customize the sorting order by editing the file bufforder.lua. Just reorder the lines of the list. Do not change the IDs. The name strings are not used by the addon and are only there for readability. Save the file as UTF-8 without BOM or ANSI (however this will destroy the Japanese translations).
Job Specific Settings
Can be toggled separately for each job using the "job" command. While on a job with enabled job specific settings, the following commands will only affect the settings of that job: range, filter, customOrder. Switching jobs will automatically apply a job's specific settings, or the global settings when none present or disabled.
Hiding the UI
The UI can be automatically hidden in certain situations: while you are not in a party (solo) or during cutscenes. This behavior can be configured using in-game commands. The UI is always hidden while zoning.
In addition, you can hold down the "End" key on your keyboard to temporarily hide the UI. This can be useful while reading the expanded chat log, currently there is no way to detect the expanded log to hide automatically. This hotkey can be changed to any other key by manually setting the "hideKeyCode" parameter in your data/settings.xml to the desired DirectInput key code.
Creating Custom Layouts
Layouts consist of XML files in the XivParty/layouts directory and image files in XivParty/assets. Values defining positions, sizes, image paths, fonts and colors of various UI elements can be set in the XML files, so editing the LUA files should not be necessary to customize the look of the UI.
For more details on creating layouts, check out the readme on GitHub.
Credits and thanks to SirEdeonX whose xivbar addon I used as a base for an early prototype, KenshiDRK for the buffs code and icons and the Windower team!