Let's see...
Yes, I'm also guilty of using /l, /p and FFXI emotes in message service windows.
My cellphone now has popular auto-translate phrases pre-programmed.
Me and my fiance both play and have caught each other saying auto-translate phrases to one another.
My boss also plays the game and at least half of our conversations are about FFXI rather than work.
The computer at work has ffxiclopedia, ffxiah and our linkshell website on the desktop.
I have caught myself shouting "zone" to my fiance while walking out of hearing range.
I have tried to play WoW (that lasted about 10 minutes...) but have become so accustomed to the FFXI controls and menu layout that the game just sucked.
I have had several dreams pertaining to FFXI.
The last time I was pulled over driving I actually said "F*ck, aggro."
I was almost rear-ended the other day driving home from work and said "F*cking noob!"
I have referred to money as gil.
Busy preparing for Dynamis-Windurst my fiance asks if there is anything I need from the grocery store, as they left I shouted "Don't forget Echo Drops!".
My fiance woke me up last night having the alarm clock set for 2:30am... I asked what the hell they were doing and got the reply "It's Windsday, I have to check on my Tree Saplings."
I once got a phone call from my friend in Nevada (I live in Wisconsin) at 4:00am... Half asleep I mumbled "Hello?" the response on the other end was "Brian, it's Arri, get the hell out of bed, we have claim on Simurgh!" I immediately woke up, woke my fiance up and headed to get my new boots...no drop. ;_;
And I suppose the biggest indicator that I play too much FFXI is, in fact, my /playtime: 477 days, 14 hours, 16 minutes and 49 seconds.