Signs Of Too Much FFXI(ing?)

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Signs of too much FFXI(ing?)
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サーバ: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: alyria
Posts: 13080
By Gilgamesh.Alyria 2009-04-23 14:56:29  
awesome! itll give me ideas what to do for it :P
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ic0n67
Posts: 241
By Asura.Icon 2009-04-23 14:57:01  
Rowland said:
Lemme see if I can find the link, I had to put together 3-5 different things and one of them was a really lame website that just had a bunch of FFXI screenshots on it.

I gotcha bro
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2009-04-23 14:58:17  
Too much FFXIing? I saw a headline in my town about General Motors (shortened to GM) reducing jobs and there for just a nano-second I thought that FF GMs were deleting certain jobs or something. D'oh!
サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Troair
Posts: 1802
By Bahamut.Kaioshin 2009-04-23 15:07:45  
There are way too many pages for me to check but best thing I ever heard was from Jacob on Bahamut server. He was speeding home and saw a cop signal behind him, he sped even faster to try and zone him on the county line. Suffice it to say it didnt work for him.

As for me I do the /p /s /sh /l all the time on aim and myspace. But you know its bad when your the only one of your friends who uses ^^ every chance you get in those IM convos.

As for common everyday terms I use "FAIL" for well, a failure, "agro" for when i get well.. agro lol, and i use " too weak" all the time.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Zonnashi
Posts: 10
By Cerberus.Zonnashi 2009-04-23 16:45:53  
Not long into playing the game and I was younger, me and a friend were walking around in a lightly treed area, and I saw a dear. I gabbed a stick and started yelling profanities at it. Then commented to my friend "It resisted my provoke!" And then proceeded to throw a rock to pull with a ranged attack.

Or when at a farm with goats, somehow I pissed them off and they started chasing me, also with friends while a lil younger and more pitifully addicted to ffxi, I ran and yelled "Help I'm being chased by multiple enemies!"
サーバ: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Playerone
Posts: 32
By Midgardsormr.Playerone 2009-04-23 16:59:45  
I had to put bandaids over my thumbs becouse they got raw from playing to much. It worked and i was able to continue playing in comfort.
サーバ: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Lakshmi.Thala 2009-04-23 17:16:53  
Oh man, I'm guilty of a number of the common ones, but I have a few more that are noteworthy...

Just a few days ago, I'm at home making a sandwich, and I have about 1/3 a jar of jelly left. I start debating with myself. I'm going to the store tomorrow, should I get more jelly? Well, I don't think I'll be eatting that many sandwiches, I can probably wait until next week. But on the other hand, it's not like jelly goes bad. Yeah, but then I'd have to find room in the fridge for it. No, wait, I have my satchel now, I have plenty of room! Took a few seconds before I realized what I said and /facepalm'd.

When I moved into my current apartment, I don't know what it was about my new address, but for a few months, whenever I wrote it out, I would start writing "{Home Point} {Aht Urhgan Whitegate}" instead of "City, ST Zip", which is always the second line in my search comment when my flag is up. I would usually catch myself before I actually wrote anything, but there were a few times where I got to "hom" and then realized my mistake when there was no tab key to press.

I've been in a circle of people having a conversation, and I've looked up to see if I needed to recast songs.

I'm usually pretty good with talking about the game to people who aren't familiar with it, but the one thing I always do without a second thought is refer to my "shell". It doesn't occur to me that this is a strange term until I get weird looks.
サーバ: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Sagi
Posts: 16303
By Ramuh.Sagittario 2009-04-23 17:23:19  
Rowland said:
Whenever I talk on ffxiah or in an instant messenger, I find myself pushing the Tab Key to auto complete my sentences. It usually tabs over to a different button and I either post too soon or it deletes everything I just typed.

lol 2nd that xD
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yotevol
Posts: 1169
By Asura.Yotevol 2009-04-23 17:37:20  
I did it again.
Driving home, I looked down and left for the compass...
{Taking a break.}{Long time}

サーバ: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zor
Posts: 2104
By Bahamut.Zorander 2009-04-23 18:07:25  
User submitted image
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Kylehume
Posts: 1
By Bismarck.Kylehume 2009-04-23 18:15:10  
That's easy:

Sometimes my dreams have a large chat box on the bottom...

サーバ: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Seraph.Celestialone 2009-04-23 19:38:56  
Last year, I was driving my car and for a brief second I felt like the car on the side road that was pulling into my lane was going to aggro me. ><

Also, I had a dream I was selling things on Ebay, only it wasn't. I was NPC'ing all the junk in my house I didn't want.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 6
By Phoenix.Sathon 2009-04-23 19:52:01  
I have a sticker that says,

"My other ride is a Chocobo." been on the back of my car for over two years now.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 799
By Odin.Gaea 2009-04-23 21:31:07
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I think a good sign that you too much FFXI is getting banned with 6 relics after duping Salvage drops.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 24692
By Ifrit.Kungfuhustle 2009-04-23 21:54:08  
a sign you play too much FFXI...

Going to a friend's house for dinner. I take one bite of the food, spit it out, and ask:"Exactly what level is your cooking?"

Yeah, I'm ordering take-out next time.
サーバ: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: xayla
Posts: 11
By Leviathan.Xayla 2009-04-23 22:20:55  
When you name one of your children after your character, which is even worse because the character was named after ANOTHER video game character (uber nerds.)

My son is named after his dad's character which was named after a DarkStalkers character..........

And, I'm seriously considering Xayla for a girl if/when we have another girl.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-04-23 22:30:41  
Xayla said:
When you name one of your children after your character, which is even worse because the character was named after ANOTHER video game character (uber nerds.)

My son is named after his dad's character which was named after a DarkStalkers character..........

And, I'm seriously considering Xayla for a girl if/when we have another girl.

Does that apply to all video games? D: I would name my daughter Luna (ha. If I wanted kids. Demonic little creatures) because Lunar was so awesome. n_n
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Hikuzo
Posts: 384
By Cerberus.Hikuzo 2009-04-23 22:30:42  
I live out in the desert's of Goodyear AZ and i always think of Meri mount or Sauromunge or the altepa deserts when im driving down the freeway LOL


its sad hahaha

im always waiting to see a cactus run across my yard.. LOL
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-04-23 22:36:48  
Well...I live in NYC, so I see some pretty odd ***. Last Halloween I was walking around The Village (lower part of manhatten) and that place is great on that holiday. I saw a midget wearing a Cactaur costume and would run by people and do the famous pose, while his accomplice took pictures of their reactions. I laughed so hard I cried because in my mind I immediately thought "Cactaur ahead. Bring friends."
By 2009-04-23 22:45:59
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"Hey Jerry"
"Hey Nusumu" (yea, work actually calls me by my handle name)
" can't come in today :/"
"How come this time?"
"Um...erm..cramps. Yea, I'm having menstrual cramps >.>''"
"You've been on your period for a good month now, I think you should come in..."
"I'm bleeding out my vag! Christ on a tampon stick! Don't argue with me!"
"I didn't want to hear that"
"I know."
*puts head set back on*
"Okay, I can go to Dyna, please invite me"
If I ever get stuck with a female supervisor, I'm screwed.
サーバ: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Arawn
Posts: 546
By Ifrit.Arawn 2009-04-24 00:09:37  
o_0 When you read 15 pages of people telling you how they blur the line of reality and you can empathize with half of it.

Leaving to pick up food at the restaurant and realizing you left your wallet in your moghouse.
サーバ: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4261
By Pandemonium.Eternaltriumph 2009-04-24 00:25:18  
Having lunch with your girlfriend who also plays, and talking about the game when other people are around. The looks are priceless.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-04-24 00:51:16  
This thread hits way too close to home.

I could barely sleep for a good month straight because I kept having nightmares about Almighty Apkallu. I used to camp him hardcore. It got to the point where I was having full fledged detailed dreams about seeing him pop in Whitegate or on an Airship heading into the Promathia BC. This also happened with both Upyri and King Arthro.

A few years ago one of my relatives who played the game refered to my boyfriend's cat as "camping the stairs" when I asked where he was.

I've talked in my sleep about claiming Elementals.

I say horrible, horrible things like "my sex drive has risen 0.5 points!".

I've added friends names to my cell phone by their ingame names and gone on not noticing it for a good month.

I've woken up because of my ventrilo running full blast more than a few times. I now know people's scheduals so well I can actually use them as alarm clocks.

Last, but not least, if you've ever drawn attention to yourself on public transportation because you were loling too hard with your boyfriend about an exp party you had the night before, you know know you play too much FFXI.
サーバ: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Carbuncle.Bloodblade 2009-04-24 00:54:36  
this thread is hilarious..
Things I'm guilty of..
1. My ringtone is the fanfare when you level up..
2. "Dual Wielding" random objects
3. Acting out weaponskills
4. Hanging with a friend on a wednesday and blurting out "Oh ***, i'm gonna be late for Dynamis!!"
5. Playing another game and thinking it's FF
6. Seeing a schoolbus and thinking, Dammit, there goes my chocobo.. has it been 30 minutes already?!
7. Woke up in class once and yelled OMFG MEE DEGGI FINALLY DROPPED THE DAMN KOTES!!! (Yes, the teacher looked at me like a retard, one kid burst out laughing..)
8. Saying ftw in conversation
9. Everytime I see a taco bell I automatically invision this:
And much more ._.

edit: After reading more and more of this thread... I have added another.. not as bad as the others.. but..
10. Knowing the correct spelling of the Ninjutsu spells because there didnt use to be the : Ichi or : Ni part... Utsusemi ftw!!
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: wtbfood
Posts: 263
By Asura.Wtbfood 2009-04-24 00:55:02  
Maryanne said:

I could barely sleep for a good month straight because I kept having nightmares about Almighty Apkallu. I used to camp him hardcore. It got to the point where I was having full fledged detailed dreams about seeing him pop in Whitegate or on an Airship heading into the Promathia BC. This also happened with both Upyri and King Arthro.

Was it a nightmare because you didn't get the claim?
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-04-24 00:57:53  
I would typically get the claim, only to have him grow fifty times in size. Godzilla Apkallu. ><
サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-24 01:03:58
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Bloodblade said:
this thread is hilarious..
Things I'm guilty of..
1. My ringtone is the fanfare when you level up..
2. "Dual Wielding" random objects
3. Acting out weaponskills
4. Hanging with a friend on a wednesday and blurting out "Oh ***, i'm gonna be late for Dynamis!!"
5. Playing another game and thinking it's FF
6. Seeing a schoolbus and thinking, Dammit, there goes my chocobo.. has it been 30 minutes already?!
7. Woke up in class once and yelled OMFG MEE DEGGI FINALLY DROPPED THE DAMN KOTES!!! (Yes, the teacher looked at me like a retard, one kid burst out laughing..)
8. Saying ftw in conversation
9. Everytime I see a taco bell I automatically invision this:
And much more ._.

I'm guilty of #1, #2 and #8 with relatively little to no shame in doing so. Actually #1 gets some good recognition from some bypassers but 9 times out of 10 I get an odd look, and I can do naught but smile.
サーバ: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Nahara
Posts: 3
By Fairy.Nahara 2009-04-24 04:13:17  
Bokkai said:
4. I check this website to see if my items sold or not as if my job is not more important. lol.

I'm really... really guilty of this. I use FFXIAH to monitor everything, and I always have to keep my armor and stuff up to date on my page.

Signs that I play too much FFXI?

Besides the above, I do a lot of Auto-Translate phrases in real life, and I am also guilty of trying to type /l or /p when typing to someone over an IM software.

Probably the worst for me is listening to my Anatomy and Physiology lectures, the parts where the teacher talks about illnesses and/or injuries, and wondering what -Na or Cure spell would fix the situation...
サーバ: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Havster
Posts: 185
By Fenrir.Havster 2009-04-24 07:15:16  
My personal experiences I set up a large LS meet up in london and everyone called everyone by their game names, it just happened...... you know these people for 2-3 years as Moonie for example then your expencted to suddenly call them something else.

After the drinks flowed everyone gave up and stuck with the game names.

A friends experience which had me in tears.

He was having a dream about a girl he knew and things were getting a bit frisky but in his dream she didnt want to do the nasty where they were so she suggested going up a country road, he calmly explained to her that there are Goblins up there which she will get agro from and since she hadnt set her HP close by she would end up back home.

He said he could actually see Goblins up this quiet country alley, he woke up ashamed.

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