Phoenix.Superunknown said:
»Not saying i dont play too much :P but a buddy of mine came running in my house, kneeled down on the floor said "I got aggro, had to zone"
was a good laugh
that is so funny,i wish something like that happened to me.
you know you've been playing too much ffxi when your gf or w/e cooks for you burns the food and you laugh at them for breaking the synthesis.
made me smile.
Trying to use the Auto.-Translate function outside the game.
Typing "/sea all" in Google.
Shouting "Stun it!!" when some twit runs a red.
Looking for the "Widescan" feature when lost in real life.
Asking someone what a friend's T.O.D. was when you're trying to look for them.
Someone asks you to get something for them, you ask "What zone is it in?" instead of "Where is it?"
Chopping wood at the cottage, split on first try - Double Attack proc.
When people change clothing in movies, I wonder why they don't momentarily disappear and then re-appear.
And lastly, I probably know more song types than a musician.
funny thing is i think i have said the zone one before.
when you know what time it is in japan...damn you jp midnight
if this is the case then i am so far gone that there is no coming back for me.
Bismarck.Bloodbathboy said:
»Or between sets at the gym you check if your AH items have sold.
i find my self checking this site more and more when i am trying to sell things on ah so i understand this.
trying to auto run and /follow in other video games.
u cant really use this line on this post,only pointing this out for the fact there is many other online games that u can put a command in and auto run.