The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide

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The Sealed Dagger: A Ninja Guide
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Posts: 103
By Santi 2014-10-31 19:20:06  
Valefor.Slore said: »
So chidori is out?

If you don't have Raimitsukane or Jushimatsu, you can use Chidori as your main hand.

If you use REM and don't have Raimitsukane or Jushimatsu for high acc situations, you can use Chidori.

If not REM, you can use any of the 3 really.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Orestes78
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-11-01 10:31:17  
Quetzalcoatl.Langly said: »
I'd argue your second RME user condition above for Shigi.

Yes, slightly less acc, but in those acc necessary situations you could be running with enough buffs that shigi's lower delay will probably do better than Raim.

You know what, Shigi's advantage is probably so miniscule I shouldn't have even spoken it aloud.

The DPS sheets have Shigi ahead of Raim/Jushi for offhand in accuracy starved situations. It's definitely a viable option. You get low delay and +27 accuracy transferred directly to your main hand.

Other options beat it when you have reasonable accuracy, but then you enter Taikogan's territory, so it's a moot point.
Posts: 103
By Santi 2014-11-01 13:15:16  
Quetzalcoatl.Orestes said: »

The DPS sheets have Shigi ahead of Raim/Jushi for offhand in accuracy starved situations. It's definitely a viable option. You get low delay and +27 accuracy transferred directly to your main hand.

Other options beat it when you have reasonable accuracy, but then you enter Taikogan's territory, so it's a moot point.

Shigi ahead of Raim in just Melee DPS right? I have Raimitsukane ahead including WS dmg.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Orestes78
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-11-01 13:56:41  
Santi said: »
Quetzalcoatl.Orestes said: »

The DPS sheets have Shigi ahead of Raim/Jushi for offhand in accuracy starved situations. It's definitely a viable option. You get low delay and +27 accuracy transferred directly to your main hand.

Other options beat it when you have reasonable accuracy, but then you enter Taikogan's territory, so it's a moot point.

Shigi ahead of Raim in just Melee DPS right? I have Raimitsukane ahead including WS dmg.

Combined DPS. Make sure your acc is terrible enough to warrant using Raim offhand over Taikogane.

Target Serac Rabbit. Modify it's evasion to 1100. Sushi + x1 Mad.

edit: I didn't have hunters roll. Took it out.

If you have a situation where Raim beats Taikogane and Shigi, let me know. I've got them really close a few times, and I honestly end up using Raim a lot myself. If I'm in a situation where accuracy changes a lot, Raim seems like good bet.

I was mostly pointing out that Shigi easily beats Jushimatsu for non RME owners.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
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By Asura.Failaras 2014-11-01 18:47:40  
I think the point is Jushi is extremely easy to get and "good enough" for the very rare times you want two 119 weapons.
サーバ: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2014-11-02 08:26:15  
Chidori is not that bad.
Same delay, same base damage, same +skill.
All of those 3 Katanas are all pretty close and pretty similar but the tier is Raimi > Jushi > Chidori.

You can use Chidori in the same situations where you'd want to equip a Raimi/Jushi (either OH or MH) but don't have them.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-11-03 00:36:36  
So I went over the spreadsheet vs Tojil using Blade: Hi w/ Uk' cap over Ptica and none of it adds up. It showed a boost of 100 dmg w/ Uk' + str5 dex2 agi8 aug -1% crit and acc23 over Ptica. So I decided to give Ptica same str dex agi as Uk' and was still 40 pts below even w/ same stats and +1% crit rate...... The spreadsheet is kinda nice to get decent estimations but extremely flawed nonetheless which is slightly frustrating knowing nothing exists w/ more wsa accuracy ><
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Orestes78
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-11-03 07:37:24  
Siren.Akson said: »
So I went over the spreadsheet vs Tojil using Blade: Hi w/ Uk' cap over Ptica and none of it adds up. It showed a boost of 100 dmg w/ Uk' + str5 dex2 agi8 aug -1% crit and acc23 over Ptica. So I decided to give Ptica same str dex agi as Uk' and was still 40 pts below even w/ same stats and +1% crit rate...... The spreadsheet is kinda nice to get decent estimations but extremely flawed nonetheless which is slightly frustrating knowing nothing exists w/ more wsa accuracy ><

You may want to check again. I can't reproduce this. Ptica with the same STR DEX and AGI as Uk'uxkaj comes out a bit higher from the extra crit.

Vs. fodder it's approx 300 ws damage higher and vs. something with super high def like tojil, it's 25 damage higher.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-11-03 10:46:19  
Quetzalcoatl.Orestes said: »
Siren.Akson said: »
So I went over the spreadsheet vs Tojil using Blade: Hi w/ Uk' cap over Ptica and none of it adds up. It showed a boost of 100 dmg w/ Uk' + str5 dex2 agi8 aug -1% crit and acc23 over Ptica. So I decided to give Ptica same str dex agi as Uk' and was still 40 pts below even w/ same stats and +1% crit rate...... The spreadsheet is kinda nice to get decent estimations but extremely flawed nonetheless which is slightly frustrating knowing nothing exists w/ more wsa accuracy ><

You may want to check again. I can't reproduce this. Ptica with the same STR DEX and AGI as Uk'uxkaj comes out a bit higher from the extra crit.

Vs. fodder it's approx 300 ws damage higher and vs. something with super high def like tojil, it's 25 damage higher.
Yeah you're right went over it again. Must've added wrong numbers to the bottom due to trying to correct the actual agi stats on ptica. User error.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: psylo
Posts: 449
By Asura.Psylo 2014-11-03 10:50:22  
Nobody take in IZUNA ?

Cause i have 2 of them with both DA+2 ACC/ATT+10 and i'm pretty happy about it (better base dmg than rai)
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10,311
By Asura.Sechs 2014-11-06 02:06:30  
Izuna is a weak weapon, perfect for french people!!1one!!one!

Jokes aside, I often even forget Izuna exists because of the lame augment system which is random and could take you 100k like 100 mils to get decent augment whereas the other options are ready as is.

I dunno, I guess Izuna has potential at least. It has a wonderful model (personal taste) and if you've been lucky enough to get good augments, I don't see why not using it honestly.
With good augments it can probably be the best mainhand Katana (aside from RME of course)

For instance I think you can get Acc/Att+15 and DA+5, with such an augment it's gonna be quite awesome.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2014-11-06 05:32:13  
How up to date are the sets in the OP? I know they haven't been updated in a few months, but I mean more along the lines of whether or not some are just plain wrong or if far superior options have emerged since then. I'm still trying to get in the swing on NIN again, so any help is appreciated.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2014-11-06 08:38:54  
They are ~slightly~ out of date. Use +1's when available for Otronif, and include the usage of Ptica headgear rather than Empyrean Head.

Also look into some new things like Wukong's Hakama +1, Ochimusha-no-kote, and Sasuke Tekko +1 for various sets.

There are a bunch of ancillary pieces that came out from the last time these sets were updated.

And obviously use Shurikens during TP phase for daken activation...
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gaztastic
Posts: 2,087
By Sylph.Oraen 2014-11-06 09:05:51  
Alright, thanks for the quick reply. Now if only Sylph wasn't utterly dead and I could actually buy some of these items.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Orestes78
Posts: 430
By Quetzalcoatl.Orestes 2014-11-06 09:14:21  
Basically what Langly said. I started a node here if you want to take a look. It's somewhat accurate, for what I'm using anyways.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 27
By Asura.Twignberries 2014-11-07 08:22:32  
new rings coming out Monday, ws dam +3% ring is looking pretty damn good! Whatcha guys think?
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2014-11-07 09:18:20  
Def good for :Hi.

On another note, NIN can now cap delay reduction without any sort of magic or JA haste with Haverton Ring. Lol. If for whatever reason you're doing something on NIN where you're unable to get any, anyway.
サーバ: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: AKs0n
Posts: 2,172
By Siren.Akson 2014-11-14 01:55:50  
So decided to go w/ the fc5% quick3% macc10 ring. Curious if anyone got the wsd ring but 15% instacast on my mage jobs and 10% on my NIN had me sold. The DW ring was meh imo since emp119 otw and even solo trusts caps m.haste.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3,731
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-11-14 12:45:36  
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Def good for :Hi.

On another note, NIN can now cap delay reduction without any sort of magic or JA haste with Haverton Ring. Lol. If for whatever reason you're doing something on NIN where you're unable to get any, anyway.

I picked Haverton primarily as a ranged ring (RNG COR), but the DW allows for all kinds of weird delay capped setups now. For instance, with Haste I only, no marches or JA haste, you need DW+32 to cap... which can be done while using Windbuffet+1 and Brutal/Suppa (Mochi +1 body(7)/legs(8), Ptica (5), Suppa (5), Haverton (5), Vellaunus+1 (2)).

Still, it's probably very unwise for anyone to pick the ring primarily because of DW on NIN, given how easy it is to cap total delay reduction anyway with buffs (including from trusts). More of a ranged piece, or a hardcore solo THF farming piece.
サーバ: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Llewelyn
Posts: 2,255
By Odin.Llewelyn 2014-11-14 12:58:15  
Merely a fun fact. Personally I'm going Karieyh because muh SAM.
サーバ: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Anza
Posts: 3,731
By Phoenix.Capuchin 2014-11-14 13:01:00  
Odin.Llewelyn said: »
Merely a fun fact. Personally I'm going Karieyh because muh SAM.

Oh totally, I agree. I would definitely not have picked Haverton just thinking of NIN and want to advise people against that. But if you're getting it because of other reasons it can be a fun little toy. Also 1337 NINJUTSU SKILLZ.
サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Falaras
Posts: 3,213
By Asura.Failaras 2014-11-14 13:04:19  
Overall the rings are surprisingly weak for group based melee DPS, I guess it's deserved though considering how heavily the CoP rings favored melee.
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 145
By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2014-11-14 17:27:33  
  • Strength 15/15

  • Katana Skill 8/8

  • San Spells (One for each Light/Dark Skillchain)5/5

  • Dexterity 15/15

  • Throwing Skill 8/8

  • Elemental Ninjutsu Effect (Based on San spells elected)5/5

  • Agility 15/15

  • Evasion Skill 8/8

  • Ninjutsu Skill 8/8

ItemSet 334364
  • There are better gears with evasion, but this setup contains a good amount of accuracy as well.

  • Jushimatsu/Chidori provides the highest evasion stats for Katanas.

  • Accuracy [Yonin(10/10 Yonin Effect)+Ionis]:941~921

  • Evasion [Yonin(10/10 Yonin Effect)+Ionis]:965~985

ItemSet 334361
  • There are better gears with evasion, but this setup contains a good amount of accuracy as well.

  • Jushimatsu/Chidori provides the highest evasion stats for Katanas.

  • Accuracy [Yonin(10/10 Yonin Effect)+Ionis]:941~921

  • Evasion [Yonin(10/10 Yonin Effect)+Ionis]:965~985

ItemSet 330455 ItemSet 330456 ItemSet 330459 ItemSet 331439

  • Blade: Shun <-> Victory Smite|Tachi: Shoha|Ukko's Fury|Resolution = Light SC

  • Blade: Metsu <-> Shijin Spiral|Upheaval|Last Stand|Realmazer = Light SC

ItemSet 330761 ItemSet 330640 ItemSet 330641

  • Ejekamal Mask (Augments): Fast Cast +3%|Haste +2%

  • Quiahuiz Trousers (Augments): Fast Cast +3%|Haste +2%

  • Dark Ring (Abyssea-Konschtat) (Augment): Spell Interruption Rate -1~5%

  • Diamond Ring (Abyssea-Vunkerl) (Augment): Spell Interruption Rate -1~5%

ItemSet 331038 ItemSet 330642 ItemSet 330450

  • Chidori is an ideal offhand weapon for contents with monster vulnerable to magic (Example: Skirmish).

ItemSet 330643
  • For Provoke.

サーバ: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: verohawke
Posts: 66
By Shiva.Verohawke 2014-11-26 06:03:25

Weapon skills will undergo the following adjustments.

The potency of the following weapon skills will be increased.

Dancing Edge / Shark Bite / Evisceration / Mercy Stroke / Mordant Rime /
Pyrrhic Kleos / Rudra's Storm / Vorpal Blade / Savage Blade /
Knights of Round / Death Blossom / Expiacion / Rampage / Calamity /
Mistral Axe / Decimation / Onslaught / Bora Axe / Ruinator / Blade: Jin /
Blade : Ku / Blade: Metsu / Blade: Kamu / Blade : Hi
/ Blade: Shun /
True Strike / Judgement / Hexastrike / Black Halo / Randgrith /
Realmrazer / Exenterator / Chant du Cygne

The TP Bonuses for the following weapons will be increased.

Mandalic Stab / Rudra’s Storm / Savage Blade / Expiacion / Calamity /
Mistral Axe / Blade: Ten / Judgement / Black Halo / Mystic Boon

Bonuses for the following weapon skills that only applied at initial ranks will now be applied to all ranks.

Dancing Edge / Evisceration / Pyrrhic Kleos / Vorpal Blade / Swift Blade /
Rampage / Decimation / Blade: Jin / Blade: Ku / Hexastrike / Exenterator /
Chant du Cygne

The maximum accuracy of one-handed weapons equipped as the main weapon will be increased from 95% to 99%.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2,713
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-11-26 07:13:57  
Cerberus.Kaeviathan said: »
Sorry if it seems messy, but I posted this for a friend to see.

  • Strength 15/15

  • Katana Skill 8/8

  • Katon & Hyoton Effect 5/5

  • Dexterity 15/15

  • Throwing Skill 8/8

  • Katon & Hyoton: San 5/5

  • Agility 15/15

  • Evasion Skill 8/8

  • Ninjutsu Skill 8/8

The one questionable thing I see in your merits is your Cat. 2. By not having Sange at 5/5, you are nerfing your damage when its up, since your shadows have a chance of being eaten up, and sange not procing
サーバ: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 145
By Cerberus.Kaeviathan 2014-11-26 13:39:29  
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Cerberus.Kaeviathan said: »
Sorry if it seems messy, but I posted this for a friend to see.

  • Strength 15/15

  • Katana Skill 8/8

  • Katon & Hyoton Effect 5/5

  • Dexterity 15/15

  • Throwing Skill 8/8

  • Katon & Hyoton: San 5/5

  • Agility 15/15

  • Evasion Skill 8/8

  • Ninjutsu Skill 8/8

The one questionable thing I see in your merits is your Cat. 2. By not having Sange at 5/5, you are nerfing your damage when its up, since your shadows have a chance of being eaten up, and sange not procing

That might be true. But I like having the versatility of dealing magical damage. Also, Magic bursting ninjutsu is able to deal decent damage (and fun).

This is without Innin.
サーバ: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Langly
Posts: 690
By Quetzalcoatl.Langly 2014-11-26 15:57:46  
Sange 5/5 would easily out damage the playstyle you're showing.

You are right though, it's more versatile since it includes magic damage. If that's your thing, then have funsies, no one gon' stop ya.
サーバ: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2,713
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2014-11-26 16:16:33  
You can 5/5 both Sange and Hyoton :San, and get the benefit from both.
Posts: 284
By gdiShun 2014-12-09 16:49:20  
New Katana from Orcfeltrap(Can look at it from the Unity NPC).

Tancho +1
DMG: 126 Delay: 227
Spell Interrupt-35%
Unity: Subtle Blow+1-6

Byebye Rai. :x lol.
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