Endeavoring to Awaken --A Guide to Rune Fencer
By Ruaumoko 2016-04-05 01:26:06
Ogma's Cape
DEF:18 "Inquartata"+3 "Vallation" and "Valiance" effect duration +15
With Runeist Coat/+1 and JPs, that's a total of +50 seconds to Valiance/Vallation.
There are three items used to augment new gear. Given the, uh... dearth of items in this update sans capes, I'm assuming capes are augmentable. Patch notes imply that you can use all three items on one piece for three total augments.
Notable thread augments: hp+60, base stat+20
Notable dust augments: acc/attack+20, macc/mdmg+20, eva/meva+20
Notable sap augments: wsd, critdmg, stp, da, dw, enmity+, mab, fc, curepot... all +10 If you ask me it's worth using Ogma's Cape in a tanking build and finding the Damage Taken-% in other slots.
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-05 01:33:12
I'm inclined to agree, especially since you can get a decent chunk of HP on there too. Don't need a DT back to cap PDT nowadays, and parry rate+6% is pretty significant.
The new capes are all Ex, so we can use multiple of any of them. Lots of possibilities here. New TP/WS pieces, new Swipe/Lunge back, new meva back, enmity, FC...
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-05 02:14:33
I understood it as 1 of the 3, but I hope you're right. Damane made another theory.
You can pick 3 augments, one per category.
The trick is that you can only trade a limited amount of items to raise the values of the augments.
Which means if you pick a single augment you'll be able to bring it to the cap value, if you get multiple augments you won't because the "potency" will be spread across 2 or 3 augments.
Just a theory until someone confirms it, but it sounds more realistic to me than being able to get three augments to cap or single aug onry.
I'm inclined to agree, especially since you can get a decent chunk of HP on there too. Don't need a DT back to cap PDT nowadays, and parry rate+6% is pretty significant. I dunno.
Let's leave the secondary augments out for a second (eva/acc+15, DA+, Enmity+7).
Evasionist allows you to get a total of 8% combined DT. (5% DT, 3% PDT).
That's quite a big chunk.
There aren't many other options for the legs and feet slots unless I'm missing something, so you'd have to rely on Erilaz.
On Body we don't normally use a DT one but Erilaz for its other enmity retention utility. While its bonus has never been really quantified (making it hard to math things out without bias) it sounds like a loss to go for a DT body (and even then which? Futhark+1?)
I dunno. Inquartata is awesome but losing 8% "DT" is a lot, especially if you have no Adoulin DT ring.
Quote: The new capes are all Ex, so we can use multiple of any of them. Lots of possibilities here. New TP/WS pieces, new Swipe/Lunge back, new meva back, enmity, FC... Someone said you can only buy one cape of the same type, but appearently those capes drop inside as well, so you'd be able to farm them inside? To a certain extent though, because can only enter twice a day max and items are gonna change after 1 month.
Altough I do get a feeling the capes are gonna stay and what changes every month is the armor (this month it's the ares-like DT set, for instance)
サーバ: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-04-05 02:49:01
You can always augment Herculean with PDT or DT. Making use of the cape really isn't that hard.
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-05 03:13:14
You can always augment Herculean with PDT or DT. Making use of the cape really isn't that hard. Yeah but Herculean max DT is 4% with Fern, and 5% PDT with Fern, and as far as my little experience (and others' experience as well) it seems they are more rare than other augments.
Of course there's Dark Matter augment (5% DT!) but good luck with that.
Erilaz legs/feet are still better than Herculean imho, not factoring damage stats of course.
So you have body, but even here imho Erilaz is better for the enmity retention, the convert, and better stats.
If you really want to use a DT body you can go for Futhark+1 which imho is still better than Herculean (no -enmity, and more -DT)
Next we have hands, and Herculean Hands are a really nice candidate I guess, but it still sucks to lose Erilaz' +6% debuff resist bonus.
Last we have Herc head, and this is another good candidate I guess, my favourite personally because it wouldn't break my 4/5 Erilaz set. But the cap is 5% PDT here (or 4% DT).
If you have good augments, Herc head/hands can be worth being used over past options, and still reach 50% PDT without using the back slot, allowing for use of the new cape with... Eva/Meva augment +20 I guess? Assuming you can cap a single augment only.
サーバ: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-04-05 03:46:09
To put it in perspective, here's an example of a set (from the first page no less) that already uses Shadow Mantle.
ItemSet 342002
and it already has a couple places where you could fit in more DT or PDT so you don't want to worry as much about getting perfect augments. There are also plenty of instances where dual Flyssas are a good idea if you don't have Epeolatry.
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-05 03:56:27
I think dual flyssa style of tanking kinda died for the majority of content when they released the meva+50 augment for Aettir imho. That's just me hey.
The set you posted is exactely what I had in mind minus the Genmei earring and using Dark Ring/Patricius as second ring.
To cap PDT with such a set you'd need 8% PDT.
Which means either 4% on each herc head/hands, or 5+3, or whatever other combination.
6% instead of 8 if you have the Adoulin DT ring.
As second earring I'd use Sanare Earring if you ask me, but it kinda depends on the fight. It could be Hearty Earring or it could be Telos (or Zennaroi) if I'm fighting something where I can realistically reach high enough hit rates values and I'm allowed to WS.
Which is exactely one of the reasons why I prefer to cap PDT without relying on Genmei, gives me more freedom to swap earrings around.
Yes, I like this set, and the new cape has potentially, especially if we're gonna be able to max out all 3 categories.
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-05 11:23:21
Confirmed that you can max three augments per piece, one per category. My inclination is to swap Warden's back to Gelatinous +1/Vocane, which brings the set above up to 51% PDT sans any DT grip.
6% parry rate brings our baseline (with JPs + Erilaz legs +1) to 36% from 30%, making it at worst a 9.375% decrease in physical damage taken while simultaneously nullifying any incoming debuffs on parried attacks and granting a bit of TP. Not too shabby.
サーバ: Siren
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By Siren.Kyte 2016-04-05 12:43:01
Mostly I just need to decide if I want RUN to have my 2nd cape (and whether I'd make it with pure tank stats or more DDish ones- neither option is wrong) >_>;;;
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-05 13:26:51
2 capes per month suuuuuuuuuuucks. I feel bad for people who play more than 1-2 jobs, I'm already screwed with just that much.
By kaempfer0080 2016-04-05 14:14:07
I have a stupid question. Does "Converts X% of Physical Damage Taken to MP" reduce the damage you take? For example, you're going to get hit for 100 Damage and have Ethereal Earring on. Do you:
a) Take 100 DMG and recover 3 MP
b) Take 97 DMG and recover 3 MP
If b, how does it contribute to the PDT / MDT caps?
サーバ: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Martel 2016-04-05 14:15:52
It doesn't reduce damage taken. It just gives you MP for x% of damage taken.
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-05 15:22:01
2 capes per month suuuuuuuuuuucks. I feel bad for people who play more than 1-2 jobs, I'm already screwed with just that much. I'm Sechs, I play 9 jobs.
Nice to meet you.
By Ruaumoko 2016-04-05 19:20:45
ItemSet 341915
If you ask me this is the ultimate tanking build for a Rune Fencer minus the obvious Epeolatry. Ogma's Cape has HP+60 / Evasion+20 & Magic Evasion+20 / Enmity+10.
By Bursto 2016-04-05 20:49:11
Why not 20 int for 10 more magic evasion instead of HP?
By Bursto 2016-04-05 20:57:25
You could also swap head to Erilaz Galea +1 and hands Herculean Gloves (with 5pdt or 4dt) the magic evasion is close but the empy +1 helm has 91HP as opposed to the relic head which only has 36HP.
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-05 21:04:07
Galea doesn't have PDT.
Regardless of that, the above set sacrifices some pretty valuable pieces of equipment to little effect. It's clearly functional, but I wouldn't call it ideal.
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-06 01:45:04
Hmm, personally I don't like that set a lot D:
And Herculean Helm can easily get as much PDT with better stats (eva/meva/MDB) or 5% PDT.
And no way I'm gonna go without Erilaz body.
At that point I'd rather go with a combination of Herculean helm/hands, even if I hate skipping Erilaz hands.
Also earring-wise those two HP boosting items are nice but I'd still prefer other options among the plentiful combinations we have according to situation. Ethereal, Sanare, Hearty etc.
With vocane and 5PDT on Herculean helm/hands you'd be able to keep Engraved Belt and still reach 50% PDT (51% in that set you posted Rua)
With 4 PDT on both and no Vocane just use Flume Belt+1 and you're still at 50%.
サーバ: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Cherrywine 2016-04-06 20:10:53
I honestly did try to look this up, but didn't see it anywhere... In what order does the game check for Evasion, Parrying, Utsusemi shadows, etc?
サーバ: Sylph
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By Sylph.Jeanpaul 2016-04-06 20:17:07
Evade > Parry > Shadows > Counter > Hit/Guard/Block
サーバ: Fenrir
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Posts: 11,681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2016-04-13 17:36:26
Alright, I want to start working Ogma's Cape into the sets in the guide. Here's the most interesting options I see right off the bat:
-HP+60 or INT+20/meva/???. INT makes this an absolutely ridiculous meva piece (adds another 10-20 meva against most magic), while HP splits your benefits for use in both physical and magical sets and is still a solid upgrade in both categories. I'd say pick one or the other and run with it for your first RUN cape, personally favoring HP+60. FC+10 is probably the best option for a third augment here; Evasionist's and other options already offer substantial amounts of enm+, so FC+10 for precast and recast is arguably the bigger gain.
-STR/acc/DA, best Resolution piece and a strong upgrade over existing TP/Dimidiation options. This might be my second RUN back.
-DEX/acc/STP, best acc TP back (STR/acc/STP for capped hitrate)
-DEX/acc/WSD, best Dimidiation back
-INT/mdmg/MAB, best Swipe/Lunge back and a strong option for Sanguine Blade/Shockwave/Herculean Slash. Since this occupies a completely different niche than the above augments, I'd probably do this before making additional melee backs.
There are a few other minor/niche upgrades, but those strike me as the most significant.
So here's the question: any preferences regarding how I work these in? That's 5-6 months worth of capes, to say nothing of any potential conflicts with other jobs. As much as I'd like to say "here, go get it" given how easy Ambuscade is, that's not entirely practical under this system. It helps that you can outclass all previous options in just three augment sets, but we're still looking at another couple months minimum just to do that much. I'll probably utilize both ideal and combination augments (like how I mentioned STR/acc/DA for multiple sets above) in working my way down towards alternative options, but I'm open to suggestions if anyone has strong feelings about the matter.
On a mostly unrelated note, I'm a little surprised by just how good Lionheart is for DDing. I expected it to top the list for damage output, but even disregarding skillchain potential it's well ahead of Epeolatry. Also changes RUN's approach to TP use a bit since it heavily incentivizes Reso spam; other greatswords have quite a bit of leeway to hold TP without compromising damage output.
Melee sets are just about ready to update aside from adding Ogma's and writing small blurb about gearing paradigms related to the above. RUN's main weaponskills, at least on GS, scale well enough that a bit of extra STP in your TP set (overshooting 1k) is generally a pretty good option and potentially preferable to optimizing an x-hit (to say nothing of parries potentially granting extra TP). DW sets are obviously a bit different.
By Damane 2016-04-14 02:23:55
I dont know. The RUN cape is currently a valliance macro piece for me. I upgraded the RDM and GEO capes because they seem to offer the most for me. I dont see much of a benefit/impact from a full upgraded cape on RUN atm as compared to the GEO (for nukeing) or RDM cape (for debuffs). Not saying its crap, its just if you are running allready 75% PDT/MDT the cape offers not much for a tanking set besides the 20 meva
By geigei 2016-04-14 03:09:56
15sec valiance is broken, add runeist's body 15sec, we have 30sec down until next valiance is up. 45% mdt for all pt almost fulltime? ty se
By Titanfoo 2016-04-14 04:24:00
I dont know. The RUN cape is currently a valliance macro piece for me. I upgraded the RDM and GEO capes because they seem to offer the most for me. I dont see much of a benefit/impact from a full upgraded cape on RUN atm as compared to the GEO (for nukeing) or RDM cape (for debuffs). Not saying its crap, its just if you are running allready 75% PDT/MDT the cape offers not much for a tanking set besides the 20 meva
How do you get -75% MDT?
サーバ: Phoenix
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By Phoenix.Skyfire 2016-04-14 04:52:26
I dont know. The RUN cape is currently a valliance macro piece for me. I upgraded the RDM and GEO capes because they seem to offer the most for me. I dont see much of a benefit/impact from a full upgraded cape on RUN atm as compared to the GEO (for nukeing) or RDM cape (for debuffs). Not saying its crap, its just if you are running allready 75% PDT/MDT the cape offers not much for a tanking set besides the 20 meva
How do you get -75% MDT?
サーバ: Asura
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By Asura.Sechs 2016-04-14 05:28:10
I dont know. The RUN cape is currently a valliance macro piece for me. It's broken, doesn't work on Valiance/Vallation atm D:
Quote: besides the 20 meva More than 20 if you also stick +20 INT, and also the Inquartata bonus is nice.
As we all know Parry gets reduced returns according to the level of the current target. Basically it's ***against high level targets.
Inquartata it's not like that, it's a fixed % of parry that works no matter the level of the target.
As such, it's a really nice addition if you can manage to cap PDT without the cape slot.
I was skeptic too, but after a discussion with me and Kyte (?) a few pages ago I kinda changed my mind.
Feel free to read it if you want.
By Ruaumoko 2016-04-14 06:39:27
I dont know. The RUN cape is currently a valliance macro piece for me. I upgraded the RDM and GEO capes because they seem to offer the most for me. I dont see much of a benefit/impact from a full upgraded cape on RUN atm as compared to the GEO (for nukeing) or RDM cape (for debuffs). Not saying its crap, its just if you are running allready 75% PDT/MDT the cape offers not much for a tanking set besides the 20 meva Have to disagree here. The only use for the GEO cape in the larger picture is Pet: Regen+10 as a GEO nuking in endgame content is a big nope. RDM is good but is sadly never used in endgame content largely thanks to GEO being so overpowered and because of the way HNM HP scales with more people.
As we all know Parry gets reduced returns according to the level of the current target. Basically it's ***against high level targets.
Inquartata it's not like that, it's a fixed % of parry that works no matter the level of the target.
As such, it's a really nice addition if you can manage to cap PDT without the cape slot. Absolutely agreeing with this. This is what really sets RUN apart as a tank. Inquartata V is 13%, you get 8% from gifts, 4% from 119 Erilaz Legs and 6% from Ogma's Cape - 31% in total before Battuta. Parrying is normally terrible to rely on for mitigating damage if you are on any other job than RUN purely because of how strong that one job trait is.
サーバ: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Roundelk 2016-04-14 10:23:56
I would probably go with the INT since the cape would be swapped out when doing other actions so you would lose the benefit of HP.
サーバ: Sylph
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By Sylph.Ykfan 2016-04-14 21:41:11
For the cape, I will surely go with HP, eva/ meva and enmity.
Currently, getting 5% DT with 7% enmity on Evasionist's Cape is very hard. Except that 3% PDT, other stats are not really relevant in tanking harder NM.
サーバ: Odin
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By Odin.Llewelyn 2016-04-14 22:14:17
Don't know who it was that originally claimed the duration on Vallation/Valiance on the JSE cape is broken, but I'm not having any issues with it.
Capped JP (20) / Coat +1 (15) / Cape (15) = 2:50 duration on Vallation and 3:50 duration on Valiance as expected.