Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

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Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
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サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 00:29:24
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By 2018-11-15 00:32:51
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By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 00:58:18  
Seems all right. Looks like you can reach some high stats with dh or dw builds
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 01:36:02  
Make Fohlen's boosted Jump timed... cut the multiplier by 60%... ok
サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 01:37:25  
Her TMR ability only loses 30% mag/atk if you go TDH (since you wouldn't be dual wielding or TDW) so it doesn't hurt too much if you have Kurasame's STMR.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 01:47:03  
Yeah if you are going full mag DH build not counting STMRs that add to that Kurasame STMR should be a net of about 100 more mag over her tmr
サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 01:49:09  
Jesus the list of Global Upgrades to the 7* units is massive.

I don't even know where to start on that list.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 01:52:27  
Let's call them changes some are er side grades and some are downgrades (though tbf some of it looks like just stuff we don't got yet like some skills working with enhancements).

Also ALOT of those changes already existed before this update. Like all of balthiers shots lol. Fohlen had gotten a bit of love to in his 6* form
サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 01:54:49  
It relists anything that was changed from JP. Folen got a timed jump and Balthier got a *lot* of buffs off the top of my head
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 02:00:31  
I think we saying the same thing here lol
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
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By Valefor.Prothescar 2018-11-15 02:51:55  
Well, Beryl is disgustingly broken. The other one not so much. Fryveia is pretty disappointing and doesn't shine really. Haven't read much of the rest.
サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 03:04:44  
Fry seems a notch below Kurasame. Beryl is insane, the vampire is pretty bland.

Lunera got w-cast. Lassworm got massive buffs, not sure where he'll wind up. Elfreeda got 100% counter and turn 1 100% provoke and 55% damage mitigation. Forhen got timed jump. Balthier got a ton of numbers boosted. Noctis has his CD Skill on turn 1 instead of 6 which gives him some hard burst. Gladiolus got numbers buffed and... something else.

Might be more but that's a rundown.
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2018-11-15 03:43:06  

I dare any one of you *** to tell me that this isn't the best unit ever.
Posts: 37
By elliondrk 2018-11-15 07:49:21  
Valefor.Prothescar said: »

I dare any one of you *** to tell me that this isn't the best unit ever.
サーバ: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Dade
Posts: 230
By Hades.Dade 2018-11-15 07:54:47  
Valefor.Prothescar said: »

I dare any one of you *** to tell me that this isn't the best unit ever.

I might have to pull for that even though already have solid Magic tank and magic dd...
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By 2018-11-15 10:01:07
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サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15,065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2018-11-15 11:15:41  
Fry seems to be about Hyoh level when optimized. Not gonna complain about that.

And she's not done yet. Before, they announced that A. Fry gets an ability when she's in the same party as Fry, but in the most recent video, they mentioned that Fry will also be getting something when paired with A.Fry

This may elevate them both, so there's still hope for her.

Considering she's a 2 year old unit, I'm satisfied with where she is now.

A. Fry on the other hand? Needs to be top hybrid upon release *** them other folks
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 12:23:52  
Ciri Zireael said: »
Fry seems a notch below Kurasame.
Is that assuming perfect chaining on Kurasame or the common half broken chaining since they broke magnification ?
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 12:42:36  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
A. Fry on the other hand? Needs to be top hybrid upon release *** them other folks
I hate you and hope it doesn't work out! I even looked into maybe just doing a trip down and back and even being in state that's still a decent amount of money and full day of travel
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15,065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2018-11-15 17:41:17  
clearlyamule said: »
Ciri Zireael said: »
Fry seems a notch below Kurasame.
Is that assuming perfect chaining on Kurasame or the common half broken chaining since they broke magnification ?

I do all the important things on Nox; so for any fight that perfect chaining actually mattered, I'm good; but yeah, damage comparisons are always going to be compared with max damage.

On the phone, I do ***like farm king mog events, arena, weapon enhancement castle.

clearlyamule said: »
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
A. Fry on the other hand? Needs to be top hybrid upon release *** them other folks
I hate you and hope it doesn't work out! I even looked into maybe just doing a trip down and back and even being in state that's still a decent amount of money and full day of travel

I love you, too
By clearlyamule 2018-11-15 18:07:38  
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
clearlyamule said: »
Ciri Zireael said: »
Fry seems a notch below Kurasame.
Is that assuming perfect chaining on Kurasame or the common half broken chaining since they broke magnification ?

I do all the important things on Nox; so for any fight that perfect chaining actually mattered, I'm good; but yeah, damage comparisons are always going to be compared with max damage.
That still working for you? I know pretty much the same time they broke the magnification trick all the emulators got laggy and I know a lot of people saying macros still fails a bit but I've never tried macros myself
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By 2018-11-15 18:21:30
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サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-15 19:02:02  
Fry is about 15% above Hyoh before considering self capping her chains which is sketchy currently. I think Kurasame does around double Hyoh's dps assuming perfect chaining.

Lasspuke is actually around 10-15% or so under Hyoh assuming you don't chain cap his LB, which is pretty damn impressive considering he's TDW. If you utilize Viktor and Lunera or some other similar chainers to cap Lassworm's LB on he winds up aside Hyoh, non-STMR. If you consider Bahamut's Tear+Squall STMR Hyoh is another monster entirely.
サーバ: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Vegetto
Posts: 15,065
By Sylph.Tigerwoods 2018-11-15 20:40:10  
clearlyamule said: »
Sylph.Tigerwoods said: »
clearlyamule said: »
Ciri Zireael said: »
Fry seems a notch below Kurasame.
Is that assuming perfect chaining on Kurasame or the common half broken chaining since they broke magnification ?

I do all the important things on Nox; so for any fight that perfect chaining actually mattered, I'm good; but yeah, damage comparisons are always going to be compared with max damage.
That still working for you? I know pretty much the same time they broke the magnification trick all the emulators got laggy and I know a lot of people saying macros still fails a bit but I've never tried macros myself

TMR farming isn't perfect for me right now (it's like at 80% efficiency) but just a simple chain macro? those have been working perfectly for me, no issues whatsoever
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サーバ: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19,647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2018-11-16 03:03:05  
Free 10+1: 1 gold, 10 blue
16 3* tickets: 5 gold, 11 blue
5 4* tickets: 5 gold
10% ticket: rainbow (Ellesperis)
30% ticket: blue
Step 1: 3 gold, 8 blue
Step 2: 1 gold, 10 blue
Step 3: 2 rainbow (Pure Summoner Rydia + Hyoh), 1 gold, 8 blue

Basically all garbage
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By 2018-11-16 06:17:42
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サーバ: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Inasura
Posts: 17,912
By Asura.Ina 2018-11-16 08:40:16  
Freehugs said: »
This event seems garbage all around. The only thing useful is the summon tickets and the small amounts of lapis. The materia/gear is a joke.
I'm ok with that tbh, we've been getting so many raids + king mogs going on that a week where I don't have to keep up on anything is kinda welcome.
By clearlyamule 2018-11-16 10:32:05  
Freehugs said: »
This event seems garbage all around. The only thing useful is the summon tickets and the small amounts of lapis. The materia/gear is a joke.
Even the lapis is pretty ewww. Like it's not even worth the nrg it takes to get it. If I could I'd do just the 4* and UoC ticket ones lol
By clearlyamule 2018-11-16 10:33:33  
Asura.Ina said: »
Freehugs said: »
This event seems garbage all around. The only thing useful is the summon tickets and the small amounts of lapis. The materia/gear is a joke.
I'm ok with that tbh, we've been getting so many raids + king mogs going on that a week where I don't have to keep up on anything is kinda welcome.
I mean you don't have to... not much difference between not being able to farm and choosing not to. Like once you farm up the tickets and some pots it's pretty easy to ignore KM/raids
サーバ: Ultros
user: Serj
Posts: 2,204
By Ciri Zireael 2018-11-16 15:32:39  
3 30%: Blue
1 10%: Blue
20 4*: all Gold
45? tickets: no rainbows
Free 10+1, steps 1-5: 1 Tidus (fourth copy on step 3) and one Beryl (from step 5)

Leftover horde from Hyoh since I found out fanfest units would be good. Feels really bad not getting a rainbow outside of the guaranteed ones, but at least I got a single Beryl on step 5. Guess I'll UoC him in 2 weeks.

Also why even bother calling this an event? Let alone calling it a "wave" event.
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